课 7 : 运动的 & 游戏

是的, I do enjoy playing games. The most favorite indoor game of mine is uno cards and my outdoor game is badminton which I mostly play with my friends or family members

The games require more physical activity and that takes out all the toxicity from my body and also helps in refreshing my mood .I oftenly play outdoor games because it helps in revitalising my mind

My childhood was really fun. I used to play a lot with my friends.Games like hide and seek , out out ,kabaddi ,badminton ,football,wall touch ,and etc are the ones I played

Games like gilli danda ,lagori,out out,touch the wall,hide and seek,kho kho,badminton ,volleyball, cricket, football, chain cut and lot many are popular in India.The young children of age group 7-19 play these games

Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed watching.


and explain why you enjoyed watching this event.

what the event was

where you watched it

who watched this event with you

Exercise keeps you healthy. It’s been proven that people who exercise more get sick less. When you exercise, it helps build your strength to fight sickness. I have a friend who has a bad back, and if he doesn’t run, play basketball or exercise in some way then his back will go out and he’ll have to stay in bed until it is better.

It really depends on the person, because I know some girls who are a lot more athletic than most guys are. But for the most part, girls generally don’t play most of the rougher, aggressive sports. An American friend of mine told me that many of the men there, like to play American football and even though some girls will join the game, most of them will just sit on the side and watch or do something else.

Advertisements are some of the biggest ways people are influenced either for or against something. If the government would air some very catchy, appealing ads on TV or maybe even hold a public competition where the winners get a monetary prize that would work, for me it least. I can’t really think of anything else that would work, but that would be their best shot because that’s what most people will respond to.

I don’t really think that it’s good if children are taught at a young age to be competitive. If you can teach the child how to play competitive sports without stressing that winning is the only way that you can have fun then I guess it’s okay. But personally I think that’s a bit unrealistic because everyone wants to win, and if kids don’t win their natural reaction is to cry or get mad. This doesn’t really help them in life. When they grow up they’ll find that you don’t always win the first time around, you just have to keep trying and keep going on with your life.

I prefer watching sports on TV, because sometimes you’re watching a game that looks like it will be loads of fun but it turns out to be super boring where your team gets creamed and you feel like crying. If you are at the stadium watching the game, there’s nothing you can do but cry, but if you are at home you can just change the channel to something fun. Watching sports at home is also more economical, you can be watching 3 或者 4 games for just a few more an hour.

是的, I think the price is an extremely big deciding factor. Take the World Master’s Cup in Shanghai, for instance. If the admission fee was only 100 人民币, more than half of Shanghainese could have attended the game.