课 6 : 户外运动

In my spare time, I prefer playing with my friends, cousins and I go to badminton club for getting my mind and body refreshed

是的, I do like outdoor activities as it refreshes the body and mind. There are many benefits to taking a break and going out. Clarity of mind, the flow of ideas, and also thoughts regarding the concepts you are stuck into, are some of the benefits.

I keep myself engaged in mind refreshing activities like hanging out with my friends, going to dance classes, working in my company, and also going out for badminton club to refresh my mind. I also play with my brother and sister so that I could spend more time with them

Weekly twice, I go out with my friends. I also play with my brother and sister frequently.

Describe an outdoor activity that you like doing.


  • what this activity is
  • when you do it
  • where you do it and explain why you like it.

I don’t really think so. Now with so many modern conveniences there’s less need of work- outdoors; There are so many offices and indoor jobs, now that’s almost considered “low class” to do manual labor or work outside. Most middle-class working people do not get sufficient amounts of exercise, and as a result are weak and more prone to sickness.

One of the main ones that I can think of is walking people still walk, but not in the same proportion that they used to years ago. Walking used to be the main source of travel, unless you could afford a horse, donkey, or mule. But now with cars, buses, 和互联网, people do a lot less walking to get to work, the store, or wherever they need to go.

Many people enjoy playing badminton, riding bicycles, and walking. Some sports that have been adopted from other cultures are also popular, such as basketball, tennis, and track sports. One outdoor activity that most people, both old and young like is table tennis, it is a national sport in our country so it’s not really surprising that so many people enjoy playing it.

It really depends on the people playing sports, because some old people are very strong and can keep up with the younger ones quite well. But for the most part old people generally don’t exert themselves physically as much us the younger ones do. They’d much rather take a walk or play badminton than climb a mountain or play a full-court game of basketball.

If you’re always indoors then you’ll get weak and sick easily; whereas if you work outside then you’re getting fresh air and sunshine, which are two things that everyone needs to stay healthy. If you’re working outdoors, then you’ll probably be much more physically fit and a whole lot stronger than if you’re sitting at your desk all day. 当然, if you don’t have a balanced life then you are bound to have complications, and if you don’t spend at least a few hours on your computer every day you might not be able to sleep at night.

Most people prefer working inside to working outside. They’ve had to work outdoors for so many years that it’s a relief to work inside. I think that a common mentality is that if you work outdoors you’re low class and can’t do anything else. This might be true in some cases, but I’m not sure that it’s true with everyone.

I would probably choose a job where you have to exert yourself physically. Maybe I’d work on a farm or some job like that, although I’d like to learn carpentry. Oh, I know I’d work at a zoo cleaning the monkey’s cages. And when I would have time off, I would go to the elephant cage and feed them peanuts.

Outdoor work is interesting because one doesn’t get restricted inside office premises. There is a sense of freedom. 还, one gets to see different people and there is no chance of getting bored.

If it’s really cold then you can’t do some of the things that you can when it’s really hot. If you try to play basketball the ball won’t bounce so well because the cold makes it flat. That’s why they have indoor basketball courts; they keep it warm so that the ball can bounce and the teams can play without freezing. In the cold climates you can skate, ski and snowboard, and in hot climates you can surf, swim, and play football or basketball.

Improvement as far as air pollution is concerned is an impossibility, the air has steadily gotten worse at an alarming rate. Over the past few years more people have gotten cars, more factories have been constructed, and the air has just gotten worse. The sad thing is that, it is slowly killing us all, and in a matter of years we’ll all have bronchitis, or maybe tuberculosis—not a very pleasant thought if you ask me.