Examen de práctica 74

En la prueba de escucha 74, Escucharás 4 grabaciones de audio y preguntas de respuesta 1-40 based on them.

Sección 1 is a telephone conversation of a woman enquiring at the local museum about the children’s art and craft workshops.

Sección 2 is a customer service officer giving information to a passenger at the railway station.

Section 3 is a conversation between a tutor and a student discussing the dissertation.

Section 4is a lecture on the history of moving pictures.

Sección 1

Preguntas 1-10

Preguntas 1-5

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER Para cada respuesta.


Ejemplo                                                                                Responder

Workshops organized every:                                                 sábado

• Adults must accompany children under 1__________________________________

• Cost: £2.50

• Workshops held in: Winter House, 2______________________________Street

• Security device: must push the 3_________________________to open door

• Should leave the car behind the 4_____________________________

• Book workshops by phoning the 5______________________(on 200765)

Preguntas 6-10

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS Para cada respuesta.

Next two workshops

FechaWorkshop titleChildren advised to wearPlease bring (if possible)
16/11“Building 6________________________”7_____________________________________8____________________________________
23/119 “_________________________________”(Nothing special)10________________________________

Sección 2

Preguntas 11-20

Preguntas 11-14

Completa las frases siguientes.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER Para cada respuesta.


11 Local services depart from_____________________railway station.

12 National services depart from the_____________________railway station.

13 Trains for London depart every___________________each day during the week.

14 The price of a first-class ticket includes_____________________

Preguntas 15-17

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER Para cada respuesta.

Type of ticketDetalles
Standard openno restrictions
Super savetravel after 8.45
Specialtravel after 15_____________________________and at weekends
16_____________________________________buy at least six days ahead limited numbers

Preguntas 18-20

Choose THREE letters, A-G. Escribe respuestas al lado de 18-20 en tu hoja de respuestas.

Which THREE attractions can you visit at present by train from Tre birch?

A a science museum

B a theme park

C a climbing wall

D a mining museum

E an aquarium

F a castle

G a zoo

Sección 3

Preguntas 21-30

Preguntas 21-30

Complete the tables below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER Para cada respuesta.

Dissertation Tutorial Record (Educación)

Nombre: Sandy Gibbons

Targets previously agreedWork completedFurther action suggested
Investigate suitable data analysis software– Read IT 21____________________________ – Spoken to Jane PrinceHead of the 22______________________________Sign up for some software practice sessions
Prepare a 23_______________________________for survey– Completed and sent for reviewAdd questions in section three on 24_______________________________
Further reading about discipline– Read Banerjee – N.B. Couldn’t find Ericsson’s essays on managing the 25__________________________________Obtain from the library through special loans service
New TargetsSpecific suggestionsTiming
Do further work on Chapter 1 (Give the title: Context 26___________________________ )– Add statistics on the 27__________________________ in various zones – Include more references to works dated after 28________________________________By the 29___________________________________
Prepare a list of main sections for Chapter 2– Use index cards to help the organizationBefore starting the 30______________________________

Sección 4

Preguntas 31-40

Preguntas 31-37

Choose the correct letter, A, B o C. Write answers nex to 31-37 en tu hoja de respuestas.

The history of moving pictures

31 Some photographs of a horse running showed

A all feet off the ground.

B at least one foot on the ground.

C two feet off the ground.

32 The Scotsman employed by Edison

A designed a system to use the technology Edison had invented.

B used available technology to make a new system.

C was already an expert in motion picture technology.

33 One major problem with the first system was that

A only one person could be filmed.

B people could only see very short films.

C the camera was very heavy.

34 Rival systems started to appear in Europe after people had

A been told about the American system.

B seen the American system.

C used the American system.

35 En 1895, a famous new system was developed by

A a French team working alone.

B a French and German team working together.

C a German team who invented the word ‘cinema’.

36 Longer films were not made at the time because of problems involving

A the subject matter.

B the camera.

C the film projector.

37 The Lantham Loop invention relied on

A removing tension between the film reels.

B adding three more film reels to the system.

C making one of the film reels more effective.

Preguntas 38-40

Completa las frases siguientes.

Write NO MÁS DE TRES PALABRAS Para cada respuesta.

38 The first motion picture was called the____________________

39________________________________were used for the first time on film in 1926.

40 Subtitles were added to The Lights of New York because of its ______________________________


[restringir pagado = verdadero]

Sección 1

2(in/on) Tamer
3green button
5education department
7old clothes
8bottle tops
9Undersea Worlds
10silver paper

Sección 2

11King Street
13half-hour/30 minutes
17(seat) reservations
18C, D, GRAMO (in any order)
19C, D, GRAMO (in any order)
20C, D, GRAMO (in any order)

Sección 3

22computer centre
24teaching experience
28((la) year) 2000
29end of term

Sección 4

38Great Train Robbery
39Sound effects
40poor sound quality

