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Two Bus Pickpockets Swiftly Arrested by Hefei Police

Recently, a pickpocketing incident occurred on a bus in Feidong County. The local police swiftly apprehended two suspects, recovering the stolen money and returning it to the victim.

On January 26, the two suspects boarded a bus. At around 2:55 p.m., Ms. Wei, who was also on the same bus, was preparing to get off, and her bulging shoulder bag caught the attention of the two individuals.

As the bus approached Longquan Road in Feidong County, Ms. Wei stood near the rear door, with one suspect positioned on her right side, pretending to also disembark, and the other, wearing a loose coat, squeezed in on her left side. In a matter of less than a minute, they swiftly unzipped her bag, stole 1800 yuan in cash, and exited the bus.

After successfully stealing the money, the two quickly disembarked and divided the stolen cash. It was only when Ms. Wei took out her phone from her bag after getting off that she realized the zipper had been opened, and the cash was missing. She promptly reported the incident to the police.

Upon receiving the report, the police from Feidong County’s Xin Cheng Police Station immediately launched an investigation. Through surveillance and investigation, they quickly identified and apprehended the suspects, Huang and Zhao, on January 28, recovering the stolen 1800 yuan in cash.

Currently, the two suspects have been criminally detained in accordance with the law.

Feidong police advise citizens to be vigilant during the festive season and take proper care of their belongings to avoid unnecessary losses. In case of need, they urge people to promptly dial 110 for assistance.

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