实践测试 49

阅读段落 1

您应该花费大约 20 提问时间 1-13 这是基于阅读文章 1.

Tea Times

A. The chances are that you have already drunk a cup or glass of tea today. Perhaps, you are sipping one as you read this. Tea, now an everyday beverage in many parts of the world, has over the centuries been an important part of the rituals of hospitality both in the home and in trader society.

乙. Originated in China, and in Eastern Asia, tea making and drinking ceremonies have been popular for centuries. Tea was first shipped to North-Western Europe by English and Dutch maritime traders in the sixteenth century. At about the same time, a land mule from the Ear East, via Moscow, to Europe was opened up. Tea also figured in America’s bid for independence from British rule – the Boston Tea Party.

C. As, over the last four hundred years, tea-leaves became available throughout much of Asia and Europe, the ways in which tea was drunk changed. The Chinese considered the quality of the leaves and the ways in which they were cured are important. People in other cultures added new ingredients besides tea-leaves and hot water. They drank tea with milk, sugar, spices like cinnamon and cardamom, and herbs such as mint or sage. The variations are endless. 例如, in Western Sudan on the edge of the Sahara Desert, sesame oil is added to milky tea on cold mornings. In England tea, unlike coffee, acquired a reputation as a therapeutic drink that promoted health. Indeed, in European and Arab countries as well as in Persia and Russia, tea was praised for its restorative and health-giving properties. One Dutch physician, Cornelius Blankaart, advised that to maintain health a minimum of eight to ten cups a day should be drunk and that up to 50 至 100 daily cups could be consumed safely.

雅思阅读 (学术的) 实际测试及答案 (十月 2021 – 扬 2022) | 电子书

4.8 的 89 评论



D. While European coffee houses were frequented by men discussing politics and closing business deals, respectable middle-class women stayed at home and held tea parties. When the price of tea fell in the nineteenth century, poor people took up the drink with enthusiasm. Different grades and blends of tea were sold to suit every pocket.

乙. Throughout the world today, few religious groups object to tea drinking In Islamic cultures, where drinking alcohol is forbidden, tea and coffee consumption is an integral part of social life. 然而, Seventh-Day Adventists, recognizing the beverage as a drug containing the stimulant caffeine, frown upon the drinking of tea.

F. Nomadic Bedouin is well known for the traditions of hospitality in the desert. According to Middle Eastern tradition, guests are served both tea and coffee from pots kept ready on the fires of guest tents where men of the family and male visitors gather. Cups of ‘bitter’ cardamom coffee and glasses of sugared tea should be constantly refilled by the host.

G. For over a thousand years, Arab traders have been bringing Islamic culture, including tea drinking; to northern and western Africa. Techniques of tea preparation and the ceremony involved have been adapted, in West African countries, such as Senegal and The Gambia, it is fashionable for young men to gather in small groups to brew Chinese ‘gunpowder’ tea. The tea is boiled with large amounts of sugar for a long time.

H. Tea drinking in India remains an integral part of daily life. There, tea made entirely with milk is popular, ‘Chai’ is made by boiling milk and adding tea, sugar and some spices. This form of tea making has crossed the Indian Ocean and is also popular in East Africa, where tea is considered best when it is either very milky or made with water only. Curiously, this ‘milk or water’ formula has been carried over to the preparation of instant coffee, which is served in cafes as either black or sprinkled on a cup of hot milk.

我. In Britain, coffee drinking, particularly in the informal atmosphere of coffee shops, is currently in vogue. 然而, the convention of afternoon tea lingers. At conferences, it remains common practice to serve coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon. Contemporary China, 也, remains true to its long tradition. Delegates at conferences and seminars are served tea in cups with lids to keep the infusion hot. The cups are topped up throughout the proceedings. There are as yet no signs of coffee on such occasions.

问题 1-8

阅读段落 1 has nine paragraphs A-I.

From the list of headings below choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph.

写出适当的数字 i – xiii in boxes 1-8 在你的答卷上.

List of Headings

我. Diverse drinking methods

二、. Limited objections to drinking tea

三、. Today’s continuing tradition – in Britain and China

四号. Tea – a beverage of hospitality

v. An important addition – tea with milk

六. Tea and alcohol

七. The everyday beverage in all parts of the world

八. Tea on the move

九. African tea

X. The fall in the cost of tea

希. The value of tea

十二. Tea-drinking in Africa

十三. Hospitality among the Bedouin

Example Answer

Paragraph F xiii

1 A段

2 B段

3 C段

4 D段

5 E段

6 G段

7 H段

8 Paragraph I

 问题 9-13

Complete the sentences below with words taken from Reading Passage 1.

使用 不超过三个字 对于每个答案.

将你的答案写在旁边的空白处 9-13 在你的答卷上.

9 For centuries, both at home and in society, tea has had an important role in…………….

10 Falling tea prices in the nineteenth century meant that people could choose the……………………….of the tea they could afford.

11 Because of it………………….. Seventh-day Adventists do not approve of the drinking of tea.

12 In the desert, one group that is well known for its traditions of hospitality is the………………………..

13 In India,……………………, as well as tea, are added to boiling milk to make ‘chai’.

阅读段落 2

您应该花费大约 20 提问时间 14-27 这是基于阅读文章 2.

Caveat Scriptor

让未来的作家当心! 任何有勇无谋的人都可以开始作家生涯——无论是一篇学术论文, 一本小说, 甚至是一篇文章——应该首先阅读这篇文章!

人们认为写作作为一种职业是光鲜亮丽的; 这只是坐下来在纸上写下文字, 或者现在更有可能在电脑屏幕上. 如果只是这样的话! 那么写书到底意味着什么? 成为一名作家就是要管理一系列矛盾的情感: 兴高采烈, 绝望, 希望, 挫折, 满意, and depression-and, not all separately! 当然, 它还涉及进行详细的研究: 第一的, to establish whether there is a market for the planned publication, 第二个, what should be the content of the book. 有时, 然而, instinct takes the place of market research and the contents are dictated not by plans and exhaustive research, but my experience and knowledge.

一旦开始出版, 文本成形过程中经历了很长一段时期的动荡. 初稿很少是本书的最终文本. Nearly all books are the result of countless hours of altering and re-ordering chunks of text and deleting the superfluous bits. While some people might think that with new technology the checking and editing process is sped up, 经验丰富的作家很难同意. 很遗憾, 先进的技术现在让作家可以进行无数次的编辑; a temptation many writers find hard to resist. 于是一段, endlessly re-worked may end up nothing remotely like the original, 与文本的其余部分相比完全不合适.

在自我编辑和寻找嚎叫者的创伤之后, 是时候向其他人展示文本了, 也许是朋友, 用于评估. 现阶段, 将其发送给文学代理人或直接发送给出版商是不明智的, 因为它可能需要作者不知道的进一步微调. 一旦联系了代理人并拒绝了出版物草稿, 很难去要求重新考虑修改后的案文. 这也有帮助, 在这个阶段, 提供本书的概要, 如果这是一本小说, 或大纲(如果是教科书). 这可以作为作者的指南, 供朋友和后来的代理商一般参考.

尽管将草案一次性发送给每一位可能的代理人是很诱人的, 这可能是不明智的. 一些代理人可能会立即拒绝该出版物, but others may prefer some invaluable advice, 例如关于内容或采取的方向, information such as this may be of use in finally being given a contract by an agent or publisher.

少数幸运儿被出版商或代理商接纳, 然后让他们的书受到一定数量的读者的欢迎, 谁的工作是审查一本书: 决定是否值得出版以及现有文本是否可以接受. 当一本书最终被出版商接受后, one of the greatest difficulties for the warrior lies in taking on board the publisher’s alterations to the text. Whilst the overall story and thrust of the book may be acceptable, 它可能必须符合内部风格, 至于语言, spelling, and punctuation. 更认真地, 案文的完整性可能受到质疑, and this may require radical re-drafting which is usually unpalatable to the author. 一本书的创作时期是复杂且令人不安的, 但出版商的修改和文字截肢也可能是一个曲折的过程.

对于很多作家来说, 最痛苦的时期是文本被接受的时候, 作者正在等待将其组装起来供打印机使用. 到了这个阶段, 作者对文本感到彻底厌倦的情况并不少见.

放弃写作? 废话. 一旦迷恋, 摆脱创作和写作的冲动并不容易, 尽管矛盾情绪像坐过山车一样.

问题 14-21

Complete the summary below using words from the box.

将你的答案写在旁边的空白处 14-21 在你的答卷上.

People often associate writing with 14…………………… But being a writer involves managing conflicting emotions as well as 15……………………… and instinct. 先进技术, 与可能的想法相反, does not make the 16……………………….faster. 当作家准备好文本草稿时, it is a good idea to have a 17……………………. for friends and agents to look at. If an author is accepted by a publisher, the draft of the book is given to 18……………………. for vetting. 19……………………… are then often made, 作者不容易同意这一点. 然而, 20…………………..compelling, even though there are 21……………………..


问题 22 和 23

Choose the correct letter A, 乙, C or D.

Write your answers next to questions 22-23 在你的答卷上.

22 在一本书的策划阶段,

A instincts can replace market research.

B 市场研究可以取代直觉.

C 市场调查必不可少.

D 本能经常取代市场研究.

23 The problem with the use of advanced technology in editing is that

A 变得与原来不同.

B 不幸的是.


D 许多作家无法抗拒一次又一次地修改文本.

问题 24-27

Complete the sentences below with words taken from Reading Passage 2.

使用 不超过三个字 对于每个答案.

将你的答案写在旁边的空白处 24-27 在你的答卷上.

24 一旦文本完成, the writer needs to get the………………..of other people.

25 一些代理人可能会拒绝书的草稿, while others may offer………………………..

26 除了需要草稿符合内部风格之外, a publisher’s changes to a text may include…………………..

27 出版商对一本书的修改对于作家来说是困难的, as is the………………….as the book grows.

阅读段落 3

您应该花费大约 20 提问时间 28-40 这是基于阅读文章 3.

Pronunciation And Physiognomy

想象一下场景: you are sitting on the tube and on gets someone you instinctively feel is American. To make sure you ask them the time and fight, 但你怎么知道?

A. When we say someone ‘looks American’, 我们考虑着装, mannerism, and physical appearance. 然而, 因为美国人不属于单一种族, what exactly is meant by ‘look’? 实际上, one salient feature is a pronounced widening around the jaw – a well-documented phenomenon. Writer Arthur Koestler once remarked that friends of his, whom he had met thirty years after they’ emigrated to the United States, had acquired an ‘American physiognomy’, IE. 加宽的下巴, an appearance which is also prevalent in the indigenous population. An anthropologist friend of his attributed this to the increased use of the jaw musculature in American enunciation. This ‘change of countenance’ in immigrants had already been observed by the historian M. 菲什伯格在 1910.

乙. 套用哲学家爱默生的话, 某些国家的, 社会和宗教团体, 比如年老的演员, 长期囚犯和独身牧师, to give just a few examples, develop a distinguishing ‘look’, 这不容易定义, but readily recognized. 他们的生活方式影响他们的面部表情和身体特征, giving the mistaken impression that these traits are of hereditary or ‘racial’ origin. All the factors mentioned above contribute, 还有遗传. But the question of appearance being affected by pronunciation – as in the case of American immigrants including those from other English speaking countries over the course of many years – is of great interest, and calls for further study into the science of voice production. This can only benefit those working in the field of speech therapy, 外语的演讲和发音, 并从纯粹的生理角度帮助学生. 自然, the numerous psychological and socio-linguistic factors that inhibit most adult learners of foreign languages from acquiring ‘good’ pronunciation constitute a completely different and no less important issue that requires a separate investigation.

C. The pronunciation of the various forms of English around the world today is affected by the voice being ‘placed’ indifferent, parts of the mouth. We use our Speech organs in certain ways to produce specific sounds, and these muscles have to practice to learn new phonemes. Non-Americans should look in the mirror while repeating ‘I really never heard of poor reward for valour with full use of tile USA retroflex/phoneme, 并注意重复三到四次后他们的下颌骨会发生什么变化. Imagine the effect of these movements on the jaw muscles after twenty years! This phoneme is one of the most noticeable features of US English and one that non-Americans always exaggerate when mimicking the accent. 同样地, standard British RP is often parodied, 其优越感的哀鸣被嘲笑得让人尽可能地翘起鼻子. Not only does this enhance the ‘performance, but also begs the question of whether this look is the origin of the expression ‘stuck up’?

乙. Once on a Birmingham bus, 一位朋友指着一位同行乘客说, ‘That man’s Brummie accent is written all over his face.’ This was from someone who would not normally make crass generalizations. 有趣的是确定嘴唇是否薄且紧张, prominent chin are a result of the way Midlands English is spoken, or its cause, or a mixture of both. 相似地, 以利物浦为例, one could ask whether the distinctive ‘Scouse accent was a reason for or the frequency of high cheekbones in the local population.

F. When one learns another accent, 就像在剧院里一样, 例如, 语音教练经常借助图像来帮助学生获得目标发音的独特声音. With ‘Scouse’, the mental aid employed is pushing your cheekbones up in a smile as high as they will go and you have got a very slack mouth full of cotton wool. The sound seems to spring off the sides of your face-outwards and upwards. 对于贝尔法斯特口音, 必须收紧钳口的两侧,直到达到最大张力, 并尽可能少地张开嘴唇说话, This gives rise to the well-known ‘Ulster jaw’ phenomenon. 学习澳大利亚人需要想象第一批被运送到世界另一端的西方人所经历的磨难. 当暴露在南方阳光无情的眩光和持续不断的高温下时, 我们本能地眯起眼睛并做鬼脸以寻求保护.

G. Has this contributed to an Australian ‘look’, and affected the way ‘Aussies’ speak English or vice versa? 这是一个奇怪的先有鸡还是先有蛋的难题, but perhaps the answer is ultimately irrelevant. 当然, 其他因素影响人们的外表和声音, and it would certainly be inaccurate to suggest that all those who speak one form of a language or dialect have a set physiognomy because of their pronunciation patterns. But a large enough number do, 仅此一点就值得研究. 什么是重要的, 然而, 正在将发音确立为决定相貌的因素之一, and gaining a deeper insight into the origins and nature of the sounds of speech And of course, one wonders what ‘look’ one’s own group has!

问题 28-30

Look at the following people (问题 28-30) and the list of statements below.

Match each person with the correct statement.

Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 28-30 在你的答卷上.

28 克斯特勒

29 Fish berg

30 艾默生

A Americans use their jaw more to enunciate

B immigrants acquire physiognomical features common among the indigenous population

C facial expression and physical features are hereditary

D lifestyle affects physiognomy

E Americans have a broadened jaw

F is friend’s appearance had changed since they moved to the United States.

G the change of countenance was unremarkable

问题 31-36

以下陈述是否反映了作者在阅读文章中的主张 3?

装在盒子里 31-36 在答卷上写下

是的, 如果该陈述与段落中的信息一致

, 如果该陈述与段落中的信息相矛盾

未给出, 如果文章中没有关于该陈述的信息

31 进一步研究发声科学将花费大量资金.

32 The psychological and socio-linguistic factors that make it difficult for adult learners of foreign languages to gain ‘good’ pronunciation are not as important as other factors.

33 发音器官是肌肉.

34 新音素很难学习.

35 People often make fun of standard British RP.

36 面部特征导致中部英语难以理解.

 问题 37- 40

Complete each of the following statements (问题 37-40) with the best ending A-I from the box below.

写出适当的字母 人工智能 in boxes 37-40 在你的答卷上

37 语音教练

38 The Scouse accent

39 我们的外表是否会影响我们说话的方式,或者反过来

40 It is important to prove that pronunciation

A can be achieved by using a mental aid.

B 无关紧要.


D use images to assist students with the desired pronunciation.


F 获得目标.

G can affect appearance.

H 不像贝尔法斯特那么容易.




阅读段落 1

1四号 The paragraph is about the link between tea and hospitality. The answer is not iii, because the paragraph is about the continuing tradition of the past it is not limited to Britain and China. It is tempting to put vii as the answer, 但, if you look at the text, you will see that the information relating to this heading is between commas. It is additional information and can easily be removed. You can compare it to a non-defining relative clause. So it is not central to the meaning of the whole paragraph. 而且, the passage states many parts of the world, notin all.
2 The heading here should be fairly obvious.
3 The paragraph deals with the various ways in which tea has been drunk. 答案不是v; see paragraph H, where the whole paragraph deals with milk in relation to tea drinking. Compare the answer to Paragraph A for background/foreground information.
4X The paragraph is about the cost of tea, in financial terms. The paragraph sets the scene, showing that tea is for the middle classes, but when the price falls the poor stall drinking it. The answer is no xi, as value has a different meaning.
5二、 The theme of the paragraph is the fact that most religious groups do not object to tea drinking, IE. few do. The answer is not vi, as this does not reflect the theme of the paragraph. It is again subsidiary or background information. So it is important for you to see how the pieces of information in a paragraph relate to each other. A plan of the paragraph is as follows:   Foreground Background Few objections to tea drinking In Islamic cultures no objection Tea/coffee versus alcohol Seventh-Day Adventists/caffeine frowned upon Note how the points in italics give background information to the main point in the text. It is sometimes difficult for students to make a distinction between these two types of information. The example of the Islamic cultures supports the point of there being no objections. The second piece of background information develops this further by comparing tea/coffee with alcohol. The paragraph then comes back to the central issue of there being few objections, by giving the example of a group who object to tea. You may use this mechanism to look at the other paragraphs here and elsewhere.
6十二 This paragraph focuses on tea drinking in Africa. The answer is not ix, as the origin of the tea itself is not said to be African.
7v The paragraph is about the importance of the addition of milk to tea in many parts of the world. Compare paragraph C. Heading xii would not be right here, as it describes only part of the paragraph.
8三、 See the answer to Paragraph A.
9rituals of hospitality OR hospitality The answer is in paragraph A. The first phrase is probably the better of the two.
10grade(s) and blend(s) OR different grades OR different blends The answer is in the last sentence of paragraph D.
11contains caffeine The answer is in paragraph E. Because of the word limit and the grammar of the sentence in the exercise, the words the stimulant cannot be included.
12nomadic Bedouin(s) OR Bedouin(s) The answer is in paragraph F.
13sugar and spices The answer is in paragraph H. Because of the word limit, the word some have to be excluded from the phrase.

阅读段落 2

14魅力 答案在第二段第一句.
15研究 答案在最后的第二段.
16编辑过程 答案在段落中 3, 第四句. “初稿”这个短语不适合用在这里, 因为该句子将无法反映该段落的含义. 出于同样的原因,这个词的书写也不正确. 而且它不符合摘要的语法; 摘要中的文章必须被省略, as the writer is talking about all writers not specifically himself.
17概括 答案在第四段末尾. Note the word summary is a synonym forsynopsis/outline.
18 读者在第六段的开头, it says that读者 (不是出版商) 懂书.
19改动 答案在第六段.
20写作 答案在最后一段. 这个词出版 不正确, 因为作者在整段文章中都在谈论写作; 出版是随后发生的.
21起伏 答案在最后一段. Note the wordroller- coaster is not possible here. 这没有道理. 该词本身并不具有最后一句后半部分的含义. Nor is it grammatically lot possible: the summary has a plural verb and the wordroller- coaster is singular.
22A 答案是段落最后一句的释义2: 有时, instinct takes the place of market research… B is the opposite. As for C, the text does not say whether it is essential. D 不正确, because the text sayssometimes – 所以, note the wordcan in A.
23D The answer is a paraphrase of the penultimate sentence of the third paragraph. A 不正确, because although e the text says thata passage may end up nothing remotely like the original, 作者并没有说这是一个问题. B is not possible, 因为作者并没有说使用是不幸的; he is expressing an opinion, when he says很遗憾. C is incorrect because the problem is not a luxury.
24appraisal 答案在段落开头 4.
25some invaluable advice OR invaluable advice OR some advice OR advice OR hints 答案在第五段. 请注意,您无法在这里给出示例,因为单词太多. You can use the wordhintsfrom the last sentence of the paragraph as it is a synonym, 其中总结了建议和示例.
26radical redrafting OR redrafting OR reworkings OR text amputations The answer is at the end of paragraph 6­
27创作时期 答案在段落的最后一句 6.

阅读段落 3

28F 答案在第一句第三段. A is incorrect because it was an anthropologist friend of Koestler who said this. B 不正确, because Koestler was talking about his friends rather than immigrants in general; and E is not stated as a general principle.
29 答案在段落中 3, 在最后一句话中. F is incorrect because Fishberg was talking about immigrants in general, 不是他的朋友.
30D The answer can be found in the fourth paragraph, 在第二句话中. C is incorrect because Emerson says this is a mistaken impression.
31未给出 文本中没有提及任何有关此声明的内容.
32 答案可以在段落中找到4, 在最后一句话中: A completely different and no less important issue, 这意味着, 有效, equally important.
33是的 The answer is in the second sentence of paragraph 5. The word “these” refers back tospeech organs.
34未给出 答案与问题在同一位置 33. 文章说学习新音素需要练习, 但没有提及它们是否难学.
35是的 答案在段落末尾 5. The wordsparody 和mockare synonyms tomake fun of.
36未给出 文本中没有提及任何有关此声明的内容
37D 答案在段落中 7 and is a paraphrase tohelp their students acquire, the distinctive sound of the target pronunciation. F is incorrect, 因为它不完整.
38A This answer can also be found in the seventh paragraph. A mental aid is said to beemployed, IE. 用过的. I am incorrect because the cause and effect are the wrong way round. H 不正确, 因为没有提到这两种口音哪个更容易.
39 答案在最后一段的第一部分. 乙. is incorrect because it is the answer to the question that is said to be irrelevant.
40G The answer is in the second part of the last paragraph. C is incorrect because it is not pronunciation that is worth investigating, 但发音和相貌之间的联系.


