Examen de práctica 44

Pasaje de lectura 1

Deberías gastar alrededor 20 minutos sobre preguntas 1-14 which are based on reading passage 1

 In or Out?

A. En el 803, con una mayor conciencia de la igualdad de oportunidades, the focus of the further education college moved to widen participation, alentar en las universidades a estudiantes de grupos previamente subrepresentados, particularmente de minorías étnicas. Este, Sucesivamente, condujo a un plan de estudios que era más representativo del nuevo cuerpo estudiantil. Por ejemplo, hubo iniciativas para asegurar la incorporación de la literatura de escritores negros en los cursos de literatura de nivel A; Los programas de estudios de historia se modificaron para ir más allá de una visión puramente eurocéntrica del mundo., y los programas de estudios de geografía comenzaron a analizar la política de los mapas.

B. Las universidades británicas de educación superior tradicionalmente no tenían ninguna preocupación por el abandono de los estudiantes., because the origins of the sector were in vocational apprenticeship training for employers where the apprentice could not drop out without endangering their job. En el 703, Este sector comenzó a expandirse hacia cursos de educación más general., which were seen both as an alternative to school for 16-18 year-olds and a second chance for adults. La filosofía era principalmente liberal y se consideraba a los estudiantes como adultos que no debían ser supervisados ​​​​fuertemente., sino más bien libre de tomar sus propias decisiones; it was not uncommon to hear academic staff argue that attendance at classes was purely voluntary.

Lectura IELTS (Academic) Actual Tests with Answers (Oct 2021 – Ene 2022) | libro electrónico

4.8 de 89 Reseñas

Escrito por maestros profesionales de IELTS para ayudar a los candidatos en el gran día

Escrito por maestros profesionales de IELTS para ayudar a los candidatos en el gran día

C. Llegó un punto de inflexión 1991 con la publicación de un informe sobre las tasas de finalización por parte del organismo gubernamental de inspección de la educación, Inspección de Su Majestad para Inglaterra y Gales, (HMI 1991). Sin embargo, Este informe se basó en las explicaciones del personal académico sobre por qué los estudiantes se habían ido.. It suggested that the vast majority left either for personal reasons or because they had found employment and that only 10% left for reasons that could in any way be attributed to the college.

D. Mientras tanto, Gran Bretaña había estado atravesando la revolución thatcherista y, en paralelo a la política Reagan de EE.UU., a key principle was the need to focus on radical taxation reduction. En este punto (y en gran medida todavía), Las universidades de educación superior y superior se financiaron casi en su totalidad con cargo al erario público.. There had been many cuts in this funding through the 805, pero nadie había analizado realmente la relación calidad-precio. However in the early 9os, la Comisión de Auditoría con la Oficina de Normas en Educación (OF STED) (la nueva versión de HMI) centró la atención en la educación superior y publicó un informe fundamental, Unfinished Business (Comisión de Auditoría y OFSTED 1993), lo que demostró que la deserción se estaba produciendo en una escala significativa y, crucialmente dada la política de la época, atribuyó un coste al Estado de 500 millones de libras esterlinas, argumentando que esto fue un desperdicio de información pública (es decir. taxpayers’) dinero. Para citar a Yorke (1999), la no finalización se volvió política.

mi. El informe de la Comisión de Auditoría coincidió con medidas gubernamentales para privatizar las funciones del Estado tanto como fuera posible.; and with the decision to remove further education from the control of the local government and give it a quasi-dependent status, where colleges were governed by independent boards of governors bidding to the state for funding to run educational provision. Como parte de esto, a new series of principles for funding and bidding was developed (FEFC 1994) que incorporó severas sanciones económicas por el abandono de los estudiantes. En esencia, El sistema es que casi todos los fondos estatales están asignados al estudiante individual.. Hay financiación para asesoramiento y orientación iniciales., on-course delivery and student achievement, but if the student drops out, la universidad pierde esa financiación inmediatamente, so that loss of students in the first term leads to an immediate loss of college finding for the other two terms.

F. No es sorprendente, Esto centró la preocupación de las universidades de manera inmediata y marcada en la necesidad de mejorar las tasas de retención de estudiantes.. Recientemente, por lo tanto, Ha habido un esfuerzo considerable para mejorar la retención, pero, como martinez (1995) señaló, no había ninguna investigación en la que basar las estrategias. Additional complexity was that colleges had been slow to computerise their student data and most colleges were in the position of not knowing what their retention rates were or any patterns involved.

GRAMO. Cuando existían datos, los mantenían por separado el personal administrativo o académico con mala comunicación entre estos grupos.. colegios, sin embargo, jumped into a number of strategies based largely on experience, El instinto y el sentido común y la publicación de estos comenzaron. (Martínez 1996; Martínez 1997; Kenwright 1996; Kenwright 1997). The main strategies tried are outlined in the literature as summarised by Martinez (1996). These include sporting activities around entry to ensure ‘best fit’, supporting activities including child care, apoyo financiero y enriquecimiento/apoyo al estudiante, conectar actividades para fortalecer la relación entre la universidad y el estudiante, incluyendo tutorías y tutorías y actividades para transformar al estudiante, including raising of expectations and study/career development support and tutoring.

Preguntas 1 3

Look at the following dates (Preguntas 1-3) and key events in the development of further education below.

Match each date with a key event.

Write the correct letters A-G in boxes 1-3 en tu hoja de respuestas.

1 1991

2 1993

3 1994

Key Events

A Severe penalties for drop-out are developed as part of college funding mechanisms.

B Serious attempts are made to improve student support

C An influential report showing that non-completion rates are significantly high is published.

E The lack of a strategical basis is officially recognized.

E The HTML is created.

F Data on student completion rates for further education are published.

G A minor report showing that non-completion rates are significantly high is published.

Preguntas 4-8

Complete the sentences below with words taken from Reading Passage 1.

Usar NO MÁS DE TRES PALABRAS Para cada respuesta.

Write your answers in blank spaces 4-8 en tu hoja de respuestas.

4 En un principio, las universidades británicas de educación superior no estaban preocupadas por el abandono de los estudiantes., because students did not leave college for fear of………………….

5 Según el escritor, the philosophy at further education colleges was………………

6 A medida que la gente se volvió más consciente de la igualdad de oportunidades, colleges encouraged students from under-represented groups, as a move to……………….

7 The HMI‘s report focused on completion rates, based on……………of reasons for students’ departure from college.

8 In the early 19905, la situación política, tanto en Gran Bretaña como en Estados Unidos, demanded a major……………….

Preguntas 9 14

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write your answers next to 9-14 en tu hoja de respuestas.

9 The report Unfinished Business

A pointed out the politics of the time.

B gave £500 million to the state,

C linked drop-out to wasting money.

D encendió el foco.

10 La nueva serie de principios desarrollados en 1994 by the FEFC

A dio dinero a cada estudiante.,

B era casi independiente

C significó que las universidades tuvieron que centrar su atención inmediata en mejorar las tasas de retención de estudiantes..

D was aimed at improving teacher retention rates

11 Se obstaculizaron los intentos de reducir la tasa de deserción escolar, because

A there was a lack of research data upon which to base strategies.

Las universidades B no sabían qué hacer..

Las computadoras C en las universidades eran lentas.

Las universidades D no tenían patrones..

12 Otros obstáculos para reducir la tasa de abandono estudiantil fueron

A colleges’ slowness in computerizing data and not knowing their retention rates, nor what patterns of retention existed.

B college inertia and administrative incompetence.

C computer glitches and strikes, which occurred at most colleges.

D Colleges’ strategies to deal with the problem of low retention.

13 Estrategias de las universidades para abordar el problema de la baja retención...

Un personal administrativo y académico unido.

B varió enormemente

C saltó

D se basó en algo más que datos

14 Las principales estrategias para mejorar la retención incluyeron

A ‘best fit’ supporting activities.

B activities to support and transform the student.

C the raising of college expectations.

D un resumen de Martinez.

Pasaje de lectura 2

Deberías gastar alrededor 20 minutos sobre preguntas 15-28 que se basan en el pasaje de lectura 2.

Tyes and Greens

A. There are a number of settlements in this part of East Anglia with names containing the word ‘tye’. The word is Anglo-Saxon in origin, and the Oxford English Dictionary quotes the earliest usage of the term as dating from 832. Essentially a ‘tye’ was a green or a small area of open common land, usually sited away from the main village or settlement, perhaps at the junction of two or more routes. Local H W people and passing travellers had the right to pasture their horses, pigs and other farm animals on the tye.

B. In the Pebmarsh area there seem to have been five or six of these tyes, todos, except one, at the margins of the parish. These marginal clearings are all away from the richer farming land close to the river, y, in the case of Cooks Green, Hayles Tye, and Dorking Tye, close to the edge of still existing fragments of ancient woodland. It seems likely than that, here, as elsewhere in East Anglia, medieval freemen were allowed to clear a small part of the forest and create a smallholding. Such unproductive forest land would, in any case, have been unattractive to the wealthy baronial or monastic landowners. Most of the land around Pebmarsh village belonged to Earls Colne Priory, a wealthy monastery about 10 kilometres to the south, and it may be that by the 13th and 14th centuries the tyes were maintained by tenant farmers paying rent to the Priory.

C. Hayles Tye seems to have got its name from a certain John Hayle who is documented in the 13803, although there are records pointing to the occupation of the site at a much earlier date. The name was still in use in 1500 and crops up again throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, usually in relation to the payment of taxes or tithes. At some point during the 18th century, the name is changed to File’s Green, though no trace of an owner called File has been found. Also in the 18th century, the original dwellings on the site disappeared. Much of this region was economically depressed during this period and the land and its dwellings may simply have been abandoned. Several farms were abandoned in the neighbouring village of Alphamstone, and the population dwindled so much that there was no money to support the fabric of the village church, which became very dilapidated. Sin embargo, another possibility is that the buildings at File’s Green burnt down, fires being not infrequent at this time.

D. Por 1817 the land was owned by Charles Townsend of Ferriers Farm, y en 1821 he built two brick cottages on the site, each cottage occupied by two families of agricultural labourers. The structure of these cottages was very simple, just a two-storey rectangle divided in the centre by a large common chimneypiece. Each dwelling had its own fireplace, but the two families seem to have shared a brick bread-oven which jutted out from the rear of the cottage. The outer wall of the bread-oven is still visible on the remaining cottage. The fireplaces themselves and the chimney structure appear to be older than the 1821 cottages and may have survived from the earlier dwellings. All traces of the common land had long disappeared, and the two cottages stood on a small plot of less than an acre where the labourers would have been able to grow a few vegetables and keep a few chickens or a pig. The bulk of their time was spent working at Ferrier’s farm.

mi. Both cottages are clearly marked on maps of 1874, but by the end of the century, one of them had gone. De nuevo, the last years of the 19th century were a period of agricultural depression, and a number of smaller farms in the area were abandoned. Traces of one, Mosse’s Farm, still partly encircled by a very overgrown moat, may be seen less than a kilometre from File’s Green. It seems likely that, as the need for agricultural labour declined, one of the cottages fell into disuse, decayed and was eventually pulled down. Occasional fragments of rubble and brick still surface in the garden of the remaining cottage. En 1933, this cottage was sold to the manager of the newly-opened gravel works to the north-west of Pebmarsh village. He converted these two dwellings into one. Este, then, is the only remaining habitation on the site and is called File’s Green Cottage.

Preguntas 15 18

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write your answers next to 15-18 en tu hoja de respuestas.

15 A tye was

A a green.

B a large open area.

C common land with trees.

D found at the junction of two or more routes.

16 The Pebmarsh area

A probably had seven tyes.

B probably had six tyes.

C appears to have had five or six tyes.

D was not in East Anglia.

17 The tyes in the Pebmarsh area were

A near the river.

B used by medieval freemen.

C mostly at the margins of the parish.

D owned by Earls Colne Priory.

18 Según el escritor, wealthy landowners

A did not find the sight of forest land attractive.

B found the sight of forest land attractive.

C were attracted by the sight of forest land.

D considered forest land unproductive.

Preguntas 19 28

Complete the table below.

Choose NO MÁS DE TRES PALABRAS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in blank spaces next to 19-28 en tu hoja de respuestas.

13805John Hayle who is documented apparently gave his name to Hayles Tye
15005The name of Hayles Tye was still 19……. and 20……… again in the following two centuries in relation to taxes.
18th CenturyHayles Tye was renamed 21……….; the original dwellings may either have disappeared or were 22……………
1817Charles Townsend of Ferriers Farm 23………….. Files Green.
1821At File’s Green, Charles Townsend built 24………. cottages, which housed families employed as 25………… The chimney structure and the 26………. appear to pre-date the cottages.
1933The cottage now called File’s Green Cottage was bought by the local 27………… manager who convened the cottage into 28…………

Pasaje de lectura 3

Deberías gastar alrededor 20 minutos sobre preguntas 29-40 que se basan en el pasaje de lectura 1.

Preguntas 29-35

Pasaje de lectura 3 has eight paragraphs A-H

From the list of headings below choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph.

Write the appropriate numbers i-xiii in boxes 29-35 en tu hoja de respuestas

List of Headings

iSocial Solutions
iiThe law backs noise
IIISome practical solutions
IVThe beautiful countryside
vNoise from mobiles
viNeighbour noise
viiiNoisy travellers
viiiNoise to entertain you
ixNoisy restaurants
XThe law and noise
xiRural peace shattered
xiiA quiet evening at the restaurant
xiiiNoise on the increase

Example Answer

Paragraph A xiii

29 Paragraph B

30 Paragraph C

31 Paragraph D

32 Paragraph E

33 Paragraph F

34 Paragraph G

35 Paragraph H

A. According to the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, there has been a threefold increase in hearing loss and, en el futuro, deafness will become an epidemic. It is hardly surprising that new research shows complaints about noise, En particular, loud music and barking dogs, are on the increase. So the situation becomes that the National Society for Clean Air and the Environment was even moved to designate 7 Junio 2000 as Noise Action Day. There are so many different sources of noise competing for people’s attention. Travelling on a train as it saunters gently through the countryside was once a civilised and enjoyable experience. That delight has but disappeared. Because we have to reach our destination more quickly, the train hurtles at break-neck speed along tracks not designed to carry carriages at such high velocity.

B. The train is noisier, and so are the occupants. They have to compete with the noise of the train and the conversations of their fellow travellers. And then there are the ubiquitous headphones (one set if you are lucky); not to mention that bane of all travellers, the mobile phone -not one’s own, por supuesto, because one has switched it off. The noise-sensitive, a growing minority group, are hit by a double whammy here: the phone going off and the person answering in a loud voice because they cannot believe the other person can hear. And let us not forget computer games making horrid noises given by parents to keep their children quiet! It is, sin embargo, gratifying to see that some train companies request people to keep the volume of their headphones down. It still strikes one as strange that people have to be reminded to do this. Like no-smoking carriages, they should have more no-noise carriages: mobile-free, headphone-free, computer-free zones!

C. And the answer? Should people simply stay at home? No, not really. The neighbours do DIY: if you are lucky between 9 soy y 7 pm, and if you are not, 24 hours a day. They play loud music, sing, play the piano, rip up their carpets; they jump up and down on bare floorboards to annoy you further. They have loud parties to irritate you and cats, dogs and children that jump onto bare wooden floors and make your heart stop. And, because they want to hear the music in other parts of their flat they pump up the volume so that you can feel the noise as well as hear it. And if you are very fortunate, they attach the stereo to the walls above your settee, so that you can vibrate as well. Even if you live in a semi-detached or detached property, they will still get you.

D. People escape to the countryside and return to the urban environment. They cannot tolerate the noise – the tractors, the cars and the motorbikes ripping the air apart as they career along country roads. Then there are the country dirt-track rallies that destroy the tranquillity of country weekends and holidays. And we must not forget the birds! Indeed, the dawn chorus is something to contend with. Asi que, when you go to the countryside, make sure you take your industrial ear-muffs with you!

mi. A quiet evening at the cinema, tal vez, or a restaurant? The former will have the latest all-round stereophonic eardrum-bursting sound system, with which they will try to deafen you. Film soundtracks register an average of 82 decibels with the climax of some films hitting as high as 120! And in the restaurant, you will be waited on by waiters who have been taking their employers to court, because the noise in their working environment is way above the legal limits. Normal conversation registers at 60 decibels but noise levels of up to 90 are frequent in today’s restaurants. The danger level is considered to be any noise above 85 decibels! What is it doing to your eardrums then? Shopping is also out because stereophonic sound systems have landed there, too.

F. Recently the law in the United Kingdom has been changed Vis-a-vis noise, with stiffer penalties: fines, confiscation of stereo equipment and eviction for serious offences. Noise curfews could also be imposed in residential areas by enforcing restrictions on noise levels after certain times in the evenings, tighter legislation is a step in the right direction but there is no one solution to the problem, least of all recourse to the law. In some well-publicised cases, the legal and bureaucratic process has been unbearable enough to drive people to suicide.

GRAMO. The situation needs to be addressed from a variety of different angles simultaneously. There are practical solutions like using building materials in flats and houses that absorb sound: sound-proofing material is already being used in recording studios and, whilst it is far from cheap to install, with research and mass sales, prices will come down. Designers have begun to realise that there is a place for soft furnishings in restaurants, like carpets, soft wall-coverings and cushions. As well as creating a relaxing ambience, they absorb the noise. Informal solutions like mediation are also frequently more effective than legislation. And the answer may partly be found in the wider social context. The issue is surely one of public awareness and of politeness, of respect for neighbours, of good manners, and also of citizenship; en efecto, how individuals operate within society and relate to each other. Perhaps we need to be taught once again tolerate silence.

Preguntas 36 39

Look at the following areas where noise is a problem (Preguntas 36-39) and the list of solutions for noise problems below.

Match each area with the correct solution.

Write the correct letter A-K in boxes 36-39 en tu hoja de respuestas.

36 Trains

37 Restaurants

38 Homes

39 Living in a rural setting

List of Solutions
A B C D E F G H I J KPeople should be sent to prison. More sophisticated sound systems are needed. Sofa furnishings are needed. People should stay at home. Sound-proofing materials should be used. Music should be turned down. The noise laws should be relaxed. Shops should have restricted opening hours. Trains should be sound-proofed. More noise-free carriages should be introduced on trains. Visitors should take industrial ear-muffs with them.

 Pregunta 40

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, D or E.

Write your answers next to 40 en tu hoja de respuestas.

40 Which of the following is the most suitable title for Reading Passage 3?

A The legal impact of increased noise

B Societal noise: problems and solutions

C A call for increased noise tolerance within neighbourhoods

D Deafness: a by-product of modern society

E Neighbourhood sounds on the increase


[restringir pagado = verdadero]

 Passage 1

1.F La respuesta está en el párrafo. 3. The answer is not E, porque no se menciona cuándo se creó la HMI.
2.C La respuesta está en el cuarto párrafo.. Note that G is not possible, because the passage says the report was seminal. es decir. important/ influential.
3.A La respuesta está en el párrafo. 4.
4.endangering their job La respuesta está en el primer párrafo.. La oración es una paráfrasis de la primera oración del texto..
5.(principalmente) liberal La respuesta está al principio de la última frase del primer párrafo..
6.widening participation OR widen participation The answer is in the second paragraph. Tenga en cuenta que el gerundio se puede cambiar al infinitivo..
7.academic staff’s explanations La respuesta está en la segunda frase del tercer párrafo..
8.taxation reduction OR tax reduction La respuesta está en la primera frase del cuarto párrafo..
9.C La respuesta está en el cuarto párrafo.. A es incorrecto, ya que esto no fue lo que hizo el informe. B no está bien, como el informe no les dio dinero, y D está incompleto.
10.C La respuesta está en el párrafo. 4. A. is not right, porque el dinero no se le da al estudiante (it is given to the college for the student). B. is incorrect because it was a further education that became quasi-independent, no los principios, and D. is not possible, como el texto no dice esto.
11.A La respuesta se puede encontrar en la primera frase del quinto párrafo.. La frase reducir la tasa de deserción estudiantil es una paráfrasis de mejorar la retención. It is important to look out for way’s in which sections of the text are paraphrased in the various types of questions. B, C y D son incorrectos porque los tres contienen frases extraídas del texto., pero usado aquí en el contexto incorrecto.
12.A La respuesta se puede encontrar en la segunda frase del quinto párrafo.. Tenga en cuenta que la oración da tres complejidades., which hinder the reducing of drop-out rates. B no se menciona en el texto., nor is C. The first element of D is correct, pero lo segundo no tiene sentido.
13.D La respuesta está en la segunda mitad del quinto párrafo.. The last sentence gives the answer, es decir. algo más que datos. A and B are not stated, and C is incomplete.

 Passage 2

14.B The answer is in the final paragraph and is a summary of the examples given. A is a phrase lifted from the text and is past of two ideas – note the comma in the text. C is incorrect because the passage refers to raising the students’ expectations, no los de la universidad. D no es correcto, because Martinez outlined the strategies, entonces el resumen de Martínez incluía las estrategias, y no al revés.
15.A La respuesta está en el párrafo. 1. A tye is not large, so B is not correct. We do not know if there were trees, so C is correct. And D was not always the case.
16.C The answer is in the first sentence of the second paragraph. The answer is not A or B, because the text does indicate any degree of possibility/probability, nor does it state a specific number. D is obviously wrong.
17.C La respuesta está en el párrafo. 2, in the first sentence: … all except one at the margins of the parish. A is not one – see the second sentence of the paragraph. B. is ‘likely՛, but the answer is not categorically given. D is incorrect, because most not all, of the land was owned by the Priory.
18.D La respuesta está en el párrafo. 2. Note the tense: … would, in any case, have been unattractive…, indicating what a writer interprets as having happened. Note that the word unattractive here does not mean visually. It means that they would have liked it because it was not producing anything. So A and B are wrong because they talk about sight, C is obviously wrong.
19.in use This is in the second sentence of paragraph 3.
20.crops up The answer is in the second sentence of paragraph 3. Note the different tenses and the verb forms here. You can change the present simple crops up into the gerund and you can use the simple tense. They all fit the grammar of the text in the exercise.
21.File’s Green The answer is in the third sentence of paragraph 3.
22.abandoned OR burnt down The answers are at the end of paragraph 3. Both answers are correct.
23.owned The answer is in the first sentence of paragraph 4.
24.two OR two brick The answer is in the first sentence of paragraph 4.
25.agricultural labourers The answer is in the first sentence of paragraph 4.
26.fireplaces The answer is in the 4el paragraph. The fireplaces themselves and the chimney structure appear to be older (pre-date) la 1821 cottages.
27.gravel works La respuesta está en el último párrafo.. Note this phrase is an adjective here. Note that you cannot add the word newly-opened. In the reading passage, the word describes the word works, but in the exercise, it would describe the word manager
28.one dwelling La respuesta está en el último párrafo.. Note that there were two cottages. Each cottage had two families, es decir. two dwellings. One cottage was destroyed leaving one cottage with two dwellings, which the manager converted into a cottage with one dwelling. Note you cannot have the word one on its own.

Passage 3

31.xi Heading iv is not suitable as it does not really talk about the countryside, but the noise there. Nor is there any mention of beauty.
32.viii Heading ix is not suitable as the paragraph does not just talk about restaurants.
The answer is at the end of paragraph B.
37.C The answer is in paragraph c. Restaurants are talked about in paragraph E, but the solution is given in the paragraph.
38.mi The answer is in paragraph c in the second sentence.
39.k The answer is in paragraph D.
40.B Although A, C, D and E are all mentioned in the text, they are only dealt with to a lesser degree than E. B is the best answer as the whole passage details several problems that occur in society and concludes with some suggestions for solving the problem of noise in society.

