实践测试 77

在听力测试中 77, 你会听到 4 录音并回答问题 1-40.

部分 1 is a conversation between a salesman and a customer.

部分 2 is a presentation on the places you can visit in the locality of the university.

部分 3 is a university radio programme on leaping the language barrier.

部分 4 is a monologue on the subject of amazing discoveries.

部分 1

问题 1-10

问题 1-3

使用以下方法回答以下问题 不超过三个单词和/或数字 对于每个答案.

1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of sending things by air?

2 What might cause delays in transportation?

3 When will the customer arrive in Canada?

问题 4-6

使用以下句子完成 不超过三个字 对于每个答案.

4 The costs on the price list include __________________.

5 The customer isn’t sending ______________________.

6 There is no extra charge for packing ________________.

问题 7-10


Customer name7 __________________________
Shipping from14 Hopton Close, Porton8__________________________________, UK
Shipping to9 _____________________________________ Road, Toronto, TR12 3CN, 加拿大.
Contact number(mobile) 0977 023685
Collection date19th
Crates3 X 2 cubic meters
Total cost£360
NotesMust finish packing by10_______________________________________

部分 2

问题 11-20

问题 11-14

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

11 On the beach, there was a cast of a ___________________

12 The area is one of the best in Europe for finding _____________________

13 The museum contains reconstructions that are ______________________

14 Neovenator means ________________________

问题 15-17

From the following list, choose the 3 things that you can experience at the museum.

Write your answers on your answer sheet in any order.

A cutting fossils from rocks

B activity sheets for children

C sitting inside a T-Rex jaw

D sitting on a dinosaur’s brain

E the smell of dead dinosaurs

F a map of where some dinosaurs lived

G an exhibition of dinosaur artwork

问题 18-20

Complete the following notes about admission and getting to the museum.

Opening times 10 是. – 6 下午. 四月- 十月. 10 是. – 4 下午. November – March.
AdmissionAdults-£4.75 Children 18_____________ -£2.75 Family (2 adults + 2 children) – £13 Students/Pensioners – £3.75 includes 2-hour guided dinosaur tour
Getting therebus number 30 from the 19______________ of the university
团体20_______________ for groups of 8 or more, if booked in advance
Contact detailsTel.-01940434 Website – www.sandowndinosaur.com

部分 3

问题 21-30

问题 21

Write the correct letter on your answer sheet.

Which three guests are on the radio programmer?

A Tony Wu, an undergraduate student from China, Susan Hall, International Student, and Wendy Clark, Head of the University.

B Tony Wu, a Master’s student from China, Susan Hall, International Student, and Wendy Clark, Head of the ESL Unit.

C Tony Wu, a Master’s student from China, Susan Hall, International Student Liaison, and Wendy Clark, Head of English.

D Tony Wu, a Master’s student from China, Susan Hall, International Student Liaison, and Wendy Clark, Head of the ESL Unit.

问题 22-24

使用以下句子完成 不超过三个字 对于每个答案.

22 Tony Wu took a Pre-Master’s course because of his__________________English.

23 Susan says international students are a__________________of funds for universities.

24 Wendy says living amongst native speakers helps students___________________.

问题 25-27

Choose the correct answer, A, 乙, C or D.在旁边写答案25-27 在你的答卷上.

25 How many students on Tony’s course passed?

A All of them.

乙 28

C 23

D 5

26 How many universities in the country have a special course for international students?

A All of them.

B More than 12.

C 12.

D Less than 12.

27 What do private colleges focus on, according to Wendy?

A Pre-Master’s courses.

B Exam-related courses.

C General English courses.

D Technological terminology.

问题 28-30

使用以下句子完成 不超过三个字 对于每个答案.

28 Wendy says a pre-Masters course should encourage students to___________________their teachers.

29 Wendy says a pre-Masters course costs the same as a____________________Master’s programme.

30 Susan thinks a_________________________for such courses would be good.

部分 4

问题 31-40

问题 31-33


31 Tiktaalik rosae is considered to be an evolutionary _________________.

32 Tiktaalik rosae lived around __________________ ago.

33 The remains of the Tiktaalik rosae were found 600 miles from the ____________________.

问题 34-38

Label the diagram, of Tiktaalik rosae using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS 对于每个间隙.

问题 39-40

回答以下问题 使用 不超过三个字  对于每个答案.

39 How long had the researchers been looking when they found the Tiktaalik remains?

40 Where were the late Devonian rocks originally created?



部分 1

1faster, more expensive
2logistics, 天气 (conditions)
319th next month
4tax (和) 保险
6fragile items/things
7Debra Wheeling
8PT6 2JA
942a Lake View
101 o’clock/13:00

部分 2

11dinosaur’s footprint
12dinosaur fossils
13full-size / full size
14new hunter
15乙, 乙, F (按任何顺序)
16乙, 乙, F (按任何顺序)
17乙, 乙, F (按任何顺序)
18under 15
19 main gate

部分 3

22lack of fluency
23significance source
24develop language skills
28 challenge
30nationwide benchmarkSection 4

部分 4

31missing link
32375 million years
33North Pole (NB capital letters not required)
34sharp teeth
36clearly defined
38wrist joint
395/five years
40near (这) equator


