实践测试 56

在听力测试中 56, 你会听到 4 录音并回答问题 1-40 基于他们.

部分 1 是之间的对话 2 old friends who meet each other by accident.

部分 2 is a man giving a short talk to new students about their university Sports Centre.

部分 3 is a conversation among university tutor and his seminar group of 3 students discussing their extended essays.

部分 4 is a lecture on marine biology.

部分 1

问题 1-10

问题 1-5

Circle the correct letters 交流. 在旁边写答案 1-5 在你的答卷上.

1 What is John’s job?

A Doctor

B Teacher

C Chemist

2 Which of the following continents did Frank not visit on his travels?

A Europe

B Africa

C North America

3 What’s Frank’s job?

A Journalist

B Travel writer

C College lecturer

4 How many children do Frank and Liz have?

A 0

乙 2

C 3

5 When did John and Kate get married?

A the last year of college

B the year after graduation

C 2 years after graduation

问题 6-10

不超过三个单词或一个数字 对于每个答案.

6 What time should Frank and Liz go to dinner?_________________

7 What’s Frank’s mobile phone number?_________________

8 What’s on the other side of the road from John and Kate’s flat?_________________

9 What does Liz NOT like to eat?_________________

问题 10

圈出正确的信件 交流. 在旁边写答案 10 在你的答卷上.

10 Which bell button is the one for John and Kate’s flat?

部分 2

问题 11-20

问题 11-14

什么 四个 sports facilities are currently 不是 available at the Westley University Sports Centre.

martial artsnetballtrampolinesaerobics
modern danceweight trainingspinningyoga
aerobic trainingrunning machines足球壁球
swimming poolrugby蟋蟀hockey

问题 15-20

Complete the student’s notes below.

不超过三个字 对于每个答案.

Joining the Sports Centre

To be a student member of the Sports Centre you must be full-time/part-time at uni. + Students’ Union member. Come with NUS card to the Sports Centre reception between 9.00 上午和 3.30 pm from 15 _____________to Saturday.

Present NUS card, fill out the application form, and pay subscription. Student subscription is 16 _____________Pay by cash or cheque; no credit cards.

No photos necessary; <17/strong> __________________at reception.

Members can use the facilities at any time. Because of 18 _____________ members must show membership card every time they come in.

Replacement cards cost 19 _____________________

Members can book courts, not by phone, with membership cards.

Opening Times (7 days a week)

Monday to Saturday: 20_______________________

星期日: 9.00am to 6.00pm

部分 3

问题 21-30

问题 21-25

Answer questions 21-25 以下.

不超过三个单词或一个数字 对于每个答案.

21 What subject does Professor Cameron teach?_________________

22 What time will next week’s seminar be?_________________

23 To what problem of Maggie’s does Professor Cameron refer?_________________

24 Who has the students’ extended essays from the last semester?_________________

25 How many students did badly in last semester’s extended essay?_________________

问题 26-30


不超过三个字 对于每个答案.

26 The students will have a choice of_____________titles for this semester’s extended essay.

27 Professor Cameron says that he will look at__________________ until the end of April.

28 This semester’s extended essay word limit range is between___________________

29 The students extended essay for this semester will be based on________________at the university’s facilities.

30 Rob will be able to help students at___________________________

部分 4

问题 31-40

问题 31-36

Complete the Megalodon description below.

NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

THE MEGALODON (Carcharadon Megalodon) – the largest predator that ever lived on Earth


12 米 + (possibly up to 15m or 31m)

关于 3 X length of Great White Shark (estimates from fossilized teeth + vertebrae)


Size of 31_____________________

Very hard and fossilized well unlike all other parts of sharks’ cartilage skeletons

Bone-like material coated with 32____________________

Like Great White Shark teeth but bigger, thicker + more finely serrated


Possibly like a huge, streamlined Great White Shark


打开 33__________________wide and 7 feet high; could swallow enormous objects

Loosely attached by ligaments and muscles to the skull

Teeth probably located in rotating rows

First two rows of teeth for 34__________________ others rotate into place as needed

Lost, broken or worn teeth replaced by new ones

Did not chew food; gulped whole large chunks


Mainly whales.

Sharks eat approx. 35_____________________ of body weight daily

Remains of whales with 36____________________indicate the predator-prey relationship

问题 37-40

Are the following statements TRUE 或者 FALSE.

37 The speaker gives another example of a fish that everyone mistakenly thought was extinct.

38 在 1918, a giant shark attacked some Port Stephens fishermen killing one of them.

39 The Port Stephens fishermen all agreed with each other on their description of the shark that they saw.

40 The Megalodon sighting near Broughton Island happened again the next day.



部分 1

6(关于) 7.30
707623 963 957
8a postbox
9red meat

部分 2

13running machines
14swimming pool
17(digital) 相机
18insurance agreement
208.00 我到 10 下午

部分 3

224 凌晨
23attendance (a record)
24the external examiner
283000 和 3500
30the greenhouse complex

部分 4

31a man’s hand
32(hard) enamel
336 脚
34obtaining prey
352 百分
36(large) bite marks


