B2: Trains overcrowded, No tickets ! Many People Trapped

According to reports from February 17th by 快科技 (Kuai Technology), on the last day of the Spring Festival holiday, various regions experienced a peak in return travel. Cependant, due to supply and demand issues, many netizens reported difficulty in purchasing train tickets, with airfare prices soaring. Some travelers found themselves unable to return or even board their intended transportation.

Par exemple, M. Li from Guangxi had planned to return to work in Wuhan on the 17th but was unable to secure a train ticket despite attempting to purchase one on the first day of sales and even being on a waiting list. The success rate for waitlisted tickets dropped from 90% à 15%, and airfare prices surged to over 9000 yuan. En plus, some high-speed train services were unable to operate due to overcrowding caused by passengers exceeding their travel durations, prompting train attendants to alert authorities.

In response to complaints about ticket shortages, a representative from 12306 customer service mentioned that there was a significant increase in travelers this Spring Festival compared to previous years. While there might be some trains out of service during off-peak periods, almost all available trains were operating during the Spring Festival, making it unlikely for additional trains to be added on short notice. As the peak return period continues, train tickets have sold out early, making it challenging to secure waitlisted tickets.

These tickets depend on other passengers canceling their reservations. The advice given to travelers unable to secure direct tickets is to consider alternative routes or modes of transportation. Par ailleurs, airfare prices have risen in recent days, with limited availability for popular routes.

Economy class and low-price tickets have been booked by other passengers, leaving mainly business class seats or tickets with fewer discounts, approaching full fare prices. Regarding allegations of collusion among airlines to manipulate market prices, a customer service representative from an airline denied such claims, stating that prices are publicly available and transparent. They suggested that discounts might be less common during peak periods compared to regular times.

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