Some Schools Suspend Offline Classes in Hefei

On February 20, a notice of suspension was circulated in Hefei

The notice said that in view of the recent high incidence of influenza, many students had fever, sore throat, cough and other flu symptoms, and required the class to suspend offline teaching.

图片[1]-Some Schools Suspend Offline Classes in Hefei-Connect

Epidemic caused by influenza virus.

It is understood that some classes, rather than the whole school, are closed. As for the reason for the suspension , it was confirmed by the health department that this was an epidemic caused by influenza virus.

The Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention also issued a reminder on February 20 that the level of influenza virus activity in Anhui Province has increased significantly recently, with influenza A (H1N1) as the main cause and causing many outbreaks in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

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