Studying Abroad
Study Skills VideosHelpful tips & strategies to improve your study skills
Long Beach City College encourages all its students to you to watch the video workshops from our very own Scott Brueckner. These videos have collectively amassed over 4 million views and counting!
After watching each video, you can use the Study Skills Worksheet to test your knowledge and have a great resource as you study.
Habits of Successful College Students
The ten habits of successful college students and how to develop and strengthen their use.
Habits of Successful College Students, Handout
Organizing Your Study Time, Part 1
Examine how you (as a student) spend and waste. Learn methods for setting and reaching goals, understanding the crucial study differences between high school and college, and how to start getting more organized as a student.
Organizing Your Study Time I, Handout
Organizing Your Study Time, Part 2
Learn how to set up a successful, intelligent study schedule and focus on why you procrastinate and how to conquer that bad habit!
Organizing Your Study Time II, Handout
Improving Your Listening Skills
Explains problems that get in the way of good listening and teaches techniques designed to improve listening and concentration skills in (and out of) the classroom.
Improving Your Listening Skills, Handout
Taking Better Lecture Notes
Discusses several common note-taking mistakes and provides techniques for recording, organizing, and reviewing the important information given during a lecture.
Taking Better Lecture Notes, Handout
How to Predict Test Questions
Teaches several methods designed to help students create their own practice quizzes in order to prepare more effectively for upcoming tests.
How to Predict Test Questions, Handout
Preparing for Tests
Shows students important study principles and discusses how to spend the last few days before a test studying in the most productive ways.
Test-Taking Skills
Teaches some general test-taking strategies and focuses on true/false and essay questions.
More Test-Taking Skills
Learn how to budget your time on tests, read multiple-choice questions the right way, and deal with the loss of confidence during a test.
More Test Taking Skills, Handout
How to Remember for Tests
Uses two memory exercises designed to teach you how to remember more of
what you read in textbooks and how to organize material to increase understanding and retention of information.
How To Remember For Tests, Handout
Memory Tricks
Showcases several fun and unusual memory tricks designed to help students memorize school-related information, names, etc. A few simple but effective math tricks will also be presented!
More Memory Tricks
Teaches several more ideas about how they can use creative memory tricks to help them memorize items in groups, definitions, and exact locations on a map or diagram.
Great Ways to Study
Teaches basic study techniques, focusing on several textbook reading and study methods.
More Great Ways to Study
Covers textbook study methods such as “reducing,” highlighting and discusses the best ways to use flashcards and other study aids.