Essai pratique 93

In the Listening Test 93, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40.

Section 1 is a conversation between a student and a railway clerk.

Section 2 is a speech given to the new at a university.

Section 3 is a radio programme with a researcher about stress at work.

Section 4 is a lecture on solar eclipses in history.

Section 1

Des questions 1-10

Des questions 1-5

Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ou A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.


Type of Card Required:   Young Person’s Railcard
First Name:1_______________________________
Date of Birth:3________________________________________
Permanent Address:158 Kingwood Close, Norwich
Telephone Number:5___________________________________
Term-time Address:Housewalk Terrace,
London Postcode:WF1 4NN

Des questions 6-9

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ou A NUMBER for each, answer.

Types of TicketRestrictionsCoût
London Day Outoutside peak hours £ 6________________
Super Advance Returnmust hook seat 7_______________ in advance £ 23
Saveroutside peak hours £ 8__________________
9_________________no restrictions£60

Question 10

Circle the correct letters A-C. Write answer next to10 sur votre feuille de réponses.

10 How much does the student actually pay for his ticket to London?

A £7.66

B £15.34

C £33.34

IELTS Listening Actual Tests and Answers (Octobre 2021 – Jan 2022) | eBook + Audio + Tapescripts

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Rédigé par des professeurs professionnels de l'IELTS pour aider les candidats le grand jour

Rédigé par des professeurs professionnels de l'IELTS pour aider les candidats le grand jour

Section 2

Des questions 11-20

Des questions 11-13

Circle the correct letters A-C.Write answers next to11-13 sur votre feuille de réponses.

11 Who are mentors?

A New students

B Second or third-year students

C University teachers

12 How often should mentor groups meet?

A Once a week

B Once a fortnight

C Once a month

13 What is it essential to do at the first meeting?

A Explain your problems

B Make new friends

C Agree when to meet again

Des questions 14-17

List FOUR things which students may be given information about.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

14 ____________________




Des questions 18-20

Complétez les phrases ci-dessous.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

18 Your mentor will show you how to obtain a free____________________.

19 Mentoring is useful for people who are _______________for the first time.

20 Your mentor may give you advice on how to_____________________.

Section 3

Des questions 21-30

Des questions 21-24

Choose from the list of possible causes in the box. Write answers next to 21-24 sur votre feuille de réponses.

What did each person say was the principal cause of stress for them?


Des questions 25-27

Liste THREE parts of one’s daily routine that can help reduce stress.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

List of Possible Causes of Stress

A bad management

B dual-career family

C fear of unemployment

D new technologies

E working surroundings

F powerlessness

G too much work




Des questions 28-30

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in each space.

Cause of stress   Strategy for reducing stress
Fear of job29_______________
New technologies30_______________

Section 4

Des questions 31-40

Des questions 31-36

Circle the correct letters A-C.Write answers next to31-36 sur votre feuille de réponses.

31 The speaker compares a solar eclipse today to a

A religious experience.

B scientific event.

C popular spectacle.

32 The speaker says that the dark spot of an eclipse is

A simple to predict.

B easy to explain.

C randomly occurring.

33 Concerning an eclipse, the ancient Chinese were

A fascinated.

B rational.

C disturbed.

34 For the speaker, the most impressive aspect of an eclipse is the A exceptional beauty of the sky.

A exceptional beauty of the sky.

B chance for scientific study.

C effect of the moon on the sun.

35 Eclipses occur rarely because of the size of the

A moon.

B sun.

C earth.

36 In predicting eclipses, the Babylonians were restricted by their

A religious attitudes.

B inaccurate observations.

C limited ability to calculate.

Des questions 37-40

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

Date of EclipseScientistsObservation
1735Halley37_____________ who accurately predicted an eclipse
1868Janssen and Lockyerdiscovered 38_______________
1878Watsonbelieved he had found 39_______________
1919Einsteinrealized astronomers had misunderstood 40______________


[restreindre payé = vrai]

Section 1

33rd February 1979/February 3 1979
4NR4 6JF
5456 321
7one day
9Open (ticket)

Section 2

14academic systems
15study techniques/techniques for studying
16university facilities
17social activities
18e-mail account
19away from home
20pass (your) examens

Section 3

25a balanced diet/vary your diet
26drink less coffee
27take regular exercise
28manage time better/manage your time
29make plans/set money aside/ update your CV
30do training courses

Section 4

37(la) first-person
38(un) new element/helium
39(la) lost planet/ (la) planet/Vulcan


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