Essai pratique 90

In the Listening Test 90, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40.

Section 1 is a conversation between a man and a researcher.

Section 2 is a lecture on international students and employments in the country.

Section 3 is a conversation among a group of people discussing the culture shock and how to overcome it.

Section 4 is a presentation on an online course.

Section 1

Des questions 1-10

Questions 1-4

Complete the following information using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR NUMBERS for each gap.

NameWilliam Glass
Date26th February 2007
Marital status3__________________________________
Salaire£ 4____________________- thousand/year

Des questions 5-8

Write the appropriate letter on your answer sheet.

Current residence

Moving?0 3 months 4-6 months 7-9 mois 10 -12 months over 12 mois

5 Size

A Below 100 sq.m.

B 100-200 sq.m.

C Over 200 sq.m.

6 Ownership

A Rented

B Owner-occupier

C Owned/rented by the company

7 Future residence (cost)

A up to £50,000

B £50,000-£100,000

C £100,000-£200,000

D £200,000-£250,000

E over £250,000

8 Size (excl. garden)

A Below 100 sq.m.

B 100-200 sq.m.

C Over 200 sq.m.

Answer the following questions.

Write the appropriate letter(s) sur votre feuille de réponses.

NB More than one letter may be correct for each answer.

9 Which people/organizations are involved in the Haydon housing project?

A A private company

B The government

C A housing association

D Co-operatives

10 Which facilities will Mr. Glass use at the Haydon housing project?

A The cinema

B The shopping centre

C The golf course

D The fitness centre

Section 2

Des questions 11-20

Question 11

11 What does EEA stand for?________________

Des questions 12-16

Complete the following notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

StampApplies toConditions
noneEEA citizensnone
restriction on workingnon-EEA citizens- course lasts more than 6 mois12__________ can work for a maximum of 20 hours per week unless work placement is an essential part of course. Cannot run their own business or work as a professional sportsperson or entertainer. Cannot hold a 13____________ position. but can do fulltime, short-term work during holidays. Cannot automatically include 14_____________ as evidence of ability to support yourself financially.
prohibition on workingnon-EEA citizens- course lasts 6 months or lessNot allowed to work at all. May apply to have it changed. If you can provide evidence that you will be 15____________ passport stamp will normally be changed. Illegal to16___________ before getting stamp changed.

Des questions 17-20

Complete the following notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

The spouse or child of a non-EEA student can work if they have a stamp that doesn’t 17_________________. Cependant, they may not run 18_____________ Government 19_____________ on working after completion of your studies may change in the near future. Special rules apply to 20____________________.

Section 3

Des questions 21-30

Des questions 21-23

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

21 Things that seem exciting and fascinating can later seem _____________ according to Ali and Jatinder.

22 Even people from cultures that are _____________ to that in the UK can suffer from culture shock.

23 Jatinder didn’t attend an _____________ because her parents wouldn’t let her go early.

Des questions 24-26

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

24 Which member of the academic staff can help with culture shock, according to Ali?

25 What scheme does Jatinder talk about?

26 What does Ali say Katarina should do regarding her family?

Des questions 27-30

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

27 The ___________________ may also have information about national or cultural groups outside the university.

28 Ali suggests that staying ____________________can help overcome culture shock.

29 Katarina decides to register at the__________________________.

30 For religious people, the student union has a register of _________________________.

Section 4

Des questions 31-40

Des questions 31-34

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

31 Which course is this one based on?

32 What doesn’t the course cover?

33 What two items does each participant receive?

34 Can non-professionals take the course?

Des questions 35-36

Complete the notes on the benefits of the course using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

A quick insight into modem electronics emphasis on practical devices and systems assumes no 35______________ can function as a36_____________ hands-on simulations certificate of completion.

Des questions 37-40

Complete the following information on the course content using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

Unit 137________________
Unit 2Ohm’s Law
Unit 638____________ inductors and transformers
Unit 839_____________  Semiconductors
Unit 1040_____________  and further applications


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