Essai pratique 88

In the Listening Test 88, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on them.

Section 1 is a telephone conversation between a man and a real estate agent.

Section 2 is a talk on an organization called the worldwide student project.

Section 3 is a conversation between 2 students discussing the various club and trying to choose one.

Section 4 is a lecture on Tourism.

Section 1

Des questions 1-10

Des questions 1-7

Complete the form below.

Utiliser NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ou A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.


Property to rent

Type of property:1__________________________
Architectural type: 2 storey
Adresse: 3281 2___________________Richmond, British Columbia.
Monthly rent:$700 3______________plus $ 30 for4_______________
View of:5______________________
The landlord’s information 
Adresse:as above
Cell phone:903 2773987

Des questions 8-10

Circle TWO letters AEWrite answers next to 8-10 sur votre feuille de réponses.

8 Which of the following does the kitchen contain?

A dishwasher

B washing machine

C dryer

D gas stove

E microwave

9 Which of the following does the house have?

A a swimming pool

B air conditioning

C central heating

D a games room

E a fireplace

10 Which amenities are nearby?

A the university

B a shopping mall

C a park

D a sport centre

E a movie theatre

Section 2

Des questions 11-20

Question 11

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for your answer.

11 What does WSP aim to promote?__________________

Des questions 12-17

Complete the table showing details of the projects.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ou A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.


S = Short-term

M = Medium-term

L = Long-term

CountryPeriodProjectSpecial information
JaponSvillage 12___________basic knowledge of Japanese required
Poland13____________renovating a children’s holiday center 
MexicoSsea turtle conservationaccommodation in school with 14____________
Chine15____________architecture; planning and designNOUS $ 16____________ on arrival
IndeMprovide medical care for 17___________ children 

Des questions 18-20

Complete the flowchart.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

You complete an application form and send it with 18_____________________

We send a “Welcome Pack” with:

general information

formal 19________________

a questionnaire.

We use the questionnaire to match you to your job.

20_________________ before departure we send full detail of your placement.

Section 3

Des questions 21-30

Des questions 21-30

Complete the table below as you listen.

Write A NUMBER ou NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to fill each space.

NameWhat is it?Need people to
Grapevine  21________________write features 22________________ proofread 23________________
Concrete  24________________25________________ organize
Livewire  ________________work in all areas of radio broadcasting
Nexus UTVstudent TV stationact direct programmes 27______________ be comedians
Notice Board  28_________________29_____________ produce the magazine
Student Webwebsite30______________ do graphics write articles

Section 4

Des questions 31-40

Des questions 31-35

Complete the summary below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

Both social factors and the development of 31__________________ have been important in the growth of tourism. It would appear that how much 32________________ a country possesses is the main factor in whether its people will travel widely. Most tourists today are from the 33________________ world, but their populations are levelling off. Soon there will be an increase in the number of older tourists, who will be less likely to want to go 34_________________ and will probably prefer alternatives such as trips to 35_________________.

Des questions 36-40

Complete the tables below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

Types of TourismTechnological Breakthrough
modern tourism   jet plane
first package tour36________________
new booking method37_______________
Ireland in the pastcountryside
Ireland today38________________
Crystal City, Etats-Unisbroccoli ( a vegetable)
Gilroy, Etats-Unis39_______________
Stratford, Canada40________________


[restreindre payé = vrai]

Section 1

1(modern) (family) house
2Number One/No. 1 Road
3per room
4(la) cleaner/cleaning
5(plus de) (la) ocean
6Peter Truboise
76047 4106
8UN, E
9C, ré
10B, C

Section 2

11international understanding
14(very)basic conditions
18(un) passport photo
19terms and conditions
201/A/One month

Section 3

21(un) student magazine
22sell advertising
23take photographs
26student radio station
27read the news
28(un) magazine
29write articles
30write websites

Section 4

35galeries d'art
36(la) railway
37(la) Internet
40drama (festival)


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