In the Listening Test 87, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on them.
Section 1 is a telephone conversation of a man ordering items from a library.
Section 2 is a lecture about the changes in the labor market.
Section 3 is a conversation among 3 psychology students discussing the project they are working on for the seminar.
Section 4 is a lecture on the subject of motivation at work.
Complete the form below.
Write A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.
Name: | Exemple: Lester Mackie |
Membership No.: | M 1_______________________________ |
Mailing address: | 17 Westmeath Road, Annandale |
Fax No.: | 2____________________________ |
Phone No.: | 02 579 6363 |
Après 5:00 après-midi. | 3______________________________- |
Circle the correct answer for each question next to4-6 sur votre feuille de réponses.
4 Why does the caller need the literature?
A For a student paper
B For a newspaper article
C For research
D For general interest
5 How long can the caller have the books after the date of posting?
UN 3 weeks
B 6 weeks
C 5 weeks
ré 2 weeks
6 How will the caller pay the fees?
A Credit card
B Cheque
C Money order
D Cash
Look at the booklist below.
Write in the boxes the appropriate letters (UN, OL, or R) as explained below.
Available in the library A
Out on loan OL
Request from other library R
Exemple | Réponse |
Halls worth, E.G. (1978) Land and Water Resources Of Australia | UN |
Government publication (1984) Land Degradation in Australia | 7_____________________________ |
Government publication (1998) Coastal Zone Inquiry Report | 8_______________________________ |
Fisher, ré. E, (1980) Environmental Law | 9_______________________________ |
Raiswell, R. O. (1980) Environmental Chemistry | 10_________________________________ |
Choose appropriate letters A-C and write next to 11-16 sur votre feuille de réponses.
What is Dr. Pendleton’s opinion of the following developments?
Write UN if he thinks they have been generally beneficial for workers
Write B if he thinks they have been generally harmful to workers
Write C if he has no strong opinions either way
Example Answer
The shift from manufacturing to services C
11 goal-oriented careers
12 flatter management structures
13 contracting out specialist activities
14 Internet recruitment
15 mobile phones and beepers
16 continual re-education
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.
Generally in industry the 17__________________ of products is becoming shorter so companies require 18________________ from the workforce. This means that there are fewer 19___________________ jobs. Another major change is that new technologies have enabled people to 20____________________
Choose appropriate letters A-C and write next to 21-27 sur votre feuille de réponses.
Who gave these explanations for rises in intelligence?
Write UN if it was James Flynn
Write B if it was John Rust
Write C if it was Robert Howard
21 television and computers
22 better nutrition
23 smaller families
24 car-driving
25 more complex societies
26 wider access to education
27 more sophisticated concepts
Circle the correct letters A-C.Write answers next to 28-30 sur votre feuille de réponses.
28 Which graph best illustrates changes in intelligence in Western industrialized countries over the last 40 ans?
29 Ohich graph best illustrates changes in intelligence in some East Asian countries over the last 40 ans?
30 What explanation is given for improvements in British exam results?
A Better Teaching
B Higher Intelligence.
C Lower Standards
Complete the diagram below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and/or A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.
Complétez les phrases ci-dessous.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and/or A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.
33 Taylor wrote his theory in the ________________ century.
34 Taylor’s theory was that people only worked for ______________________.
35 Later research concluded that some people preferred to work _____________________.
Complete the diagram below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and/or A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.
Complete the table below.
Look at the table and notice that in this section you need to listen for percentages.
Source of job satisfaction | % of employees |
Inspirational leader | 72% |
Type of work | 38______________ |
Good pay | 50% |
Flexible working hours | 39______________ |
Choose the correct letters A-D.Write answer next to40 sur votre feuille de réponses.
40 What does the speaker say about workers in the UK?
A They want to have a good lifestyle.
B Socializing at work is not a priority for them.
C They want to earn a lot of money.
D Having a job title is a priority for them.
[restreindre payé = vrai]
1 | M 9301274 |
2 | 863 5923 |
3 | 5791857 |
4 | B |
5 | B |
6 | ré |
7 | R |
8 | UN |
9 | UN |
10 | OL |
11 | UN |
12 | B |
13 | UN |
14 | UN |
15 | B |
16 | C |
17 | life cycle/lifecycle |
18 | (much/far) greater/more/ increased flexibility |
19 | permanent (ou) tenured |
20 | work from home/telecommute |
21 | UN |
22 | C |
23 | C |
24 | UN |
25 | B |
26 | C |
27 | B |
28 | UN |
29 | B |
30 | C |
31 | behavior |
32 | job satisfaction |
33 | 19th/nineteenth |
34 | money |
35 | in teams |
36 | basic |
37 | status |
38 | 55% |
39 | 40% |
40 | B |