Essai pratique 73

In the Listening Test 73, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on said recordings.

Section 1 is a telephone conversation a woman and a man enquiring at a sports club about the membership and the facilities.

Section 2 is a local radio broadcast about the Rivenden City Theatre.

Section 3 is a man enquiring about the college courses.

Section 4 is a lecture on the Social History of the East End of London.

Section 1

Des questions 1-10

Des questions 1-4

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

Notes on sports club

Example Answer

Name of club Kingswell

Facilities available:




Classes available



Additional facility:

4__________________(restaurant opening soon)

Des questions 5-8

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO NUMBERS pour chaque réponse.

TaperUse of facultiesCost of classesTimesJoining feeAnnual subscription fee
GOLDAllGratuitAny time£2505 £_______________________________
SILVERAll6 £_________________________de 7_____________________ to____________________£225£300
BRONZERestricted£3de 10.30 à 3.30 weekdays only£508£_______________________

Des questions 9 et 10

Complétez les phrases ci-dessous.

Write ONE WORD ONLY pour chaque réponse.

9 To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s_______________________

10 To book a trial session, speak to David______________________(0458 95311).

IELTS Listening Actual Tests and Answers (Octobre 2021 – Jan 2022) | eBook + Audio + Tapescripts

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Rédigé par des professeurs professionnels de l'IELTS pour aider les candidats le grand jour

Rédigé par des professeurs professionnels de l'IELTS pour aider les candidats le grand jour

Section 2

Des questions 11-20

Des questions 11-16

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16.

What change has been made to each part of the theatre?


A doubled in number

B given a separate entrance

C reduced in number

D increased in size

E replaced

F strengthened

G temporarily closed

Part of the theatre

11 box office____________________________

12 shop __________________________

13 ordinary seats____________________

14 seats for wheelchair users___________________________

15 lifts ______________________________

16 dressing rooms ____________________________

Des questions 17-20

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.

JouerDatesStarting timeTickets availablePrice
Royal HuntOctober 13th to 17______________________18____________________________pmfor 19_____________________ and________________________20 £____________________________

Section 3

Des questions 21-30

Question 21

Choose the correct letter, UN, B ou C. Write answers next to 21 sur votre feuille de réponses.

21 What is Brian going to do before the course starts?

A attend a class

B write a report

C read a book

Des questions 22-25

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS pour chaque réponse.

College FacilityInformation
Refectoryinform them 22_____________________________ about special dietary requirements
23_________________________________________long waiting list, apply now
Careers advicedrop-in centre for information
Fitness centrereduced 24___________________________________ for students
Bibliothèqueincludes books, journals, equipment room containing audio-visual materials
Computersask your 25___________________________________ to arrange a password with the technical support team

Des questions 26-30

Complete the summary below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS pour chaque réponse.

Business Centre

The Business Resource Centre contains materials such as books and manuals to be used for training. It Is possible to hire 26_______________________and 27_________________________ There are materials for working on study skills (e.g. 28__________________________) and other subjects include finance and 29___________________________
30____________________________ membership costs £50 per year.

Section 4

Question 31-40

Des questions 31-37

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS pour chaque réponse.

A social history of the East End of London

1st—4th centuriesProduce from the area was used to 31____________________________ the people of London.
5th—10th centuriesNew technology allowed the production of goods made of 32_______________________ and _____________________________________
11th centuryLack of 33___________________________ in the East End encouraged the growth of businesses.
16th centuryConstruction of facilities for the building of 34______________________________ stimulated international trade. Agricultural workers came from other parts of 35__________________________________ to look for work.
17th centuryMarshes were drained to provide land that could be 36__________________________________on
19th centuryInhabitants lived in conditions of great 37_____________________________with very poor sanitation.

Des questions 38-40

Choose THREE letters, A-G. Write answers next to 38-40 sur votre feuille de réponses.

Which THREE of the following problems are mentioned in connection with 20th-century housing in the East End?

A unsympathetic landlords

B unclean water

C heating problems

D high rents

E overcrowding

F poor standards of building

G houses catching fire


[restreindre payé = vrai]

Section 1

1(un) keep-fit (studio)
3yoga (classes)
4(un) salad bar
710 (un m), 4.30 (pm)

Section 2

17October 19th
19Lundi, Jeudi
20 18

Section 3

22in advance
24annual fee
26Laptops & Printers (in either order)
27Laptops & Printers (in either order)
28report writing

Section 4

32Metal & Leather (in either order)
38C, E, F (in any order)
39C, E, F (in any order)
40C, E, F (in any order)


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