Essai pratique 58

In the Listening Test 58, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on them.Section 1 is a telephone conversation between a student and an assistant at a book shop.

Section 2 is a talk given by one of the student counsellors at the university.

Section 3 is a conversation between a student and a lecture about an essay.

Section 4 is a monologue by a lecturer to a group of design students.

Section 1

Des questions 1-10

Des questions 1-5

Complete the Account Details using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each blank space.

Account Details


Account holder:                       ______No_______

Discount offered

First-year students1______________
Name:Nasreen 2_____________
Adresse: 3_________________ Mansions, Compton Street, London.
Postcode:SE 4_________________
Telephone number:0181 5___________________

Des questions 6-8;

Put a tick in the spaces below, if the information is correct.

Fill in the blank with the correct information, if it is wrong.

The first one has been done for you as an example.

Des questions 9-10

Circle the appropriate letter. Write answers next to9-10 sur votre feuille de réponses.

9 To collect the books the student must bring

A three forms of identification.

B two forms of identification.

C one form of identification.

D two forms of identification and the university confirmation letter.

10 The books will be kept

A in the Chemistry Department in the basement

B in the Physics Department in the basement.

C in the Physics Department on the first floor.

D in the Math Department in the basement.

Section 2

Des questions 11-20

Des questions 11-14;

Circle the appropriate letter. Write answers next to11-14 sur votre feuille de réponses.

11 There are_____________ student counsellors at the university.

A six

B four

C five

D three

12 The speaker has come to talk about the________________________.

A Student Union

B Student Welfare Service

C student health

D Student Accommodation Service

13 The number of main sites is________________________________.

A three

B four

C five

D six

14 Where on this site is the student counselor’s office?

Des questions 15-20

Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

15 The information leaflet is available almost __________________________.

16 The Helpline in the evenings and weekends is dependent on the_____________________.

17 The Helpline is staffed at the weekends for ______________________________.

18 Students contact the Student Welfare Service for a ____________________.

19 If the counsellors cannot help you, they will put you in touch with________________.

20 The Service gives ______________________________ to all volunteers on the Helpline.

Section 3

Des questions 21-30

Des questions 21-23

Utiliser NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to answer the following questions

21 On what topic did Jim write his essay? ________________

22 Besides the OECD statistics, what other figures did Jim use? __________________

23 At the beginning of this essay, what does Jim say the 19th century Luddites and people today are worried about?____________

Des questions 24-27

In Jim’s essay, il y a 3 reasons for people’s fears and 2 reasons why people’s fears are unjustified. In each case below, choose the option which accurately describes the point.

The first one is an example.

Exemple: The first reason for fear:

A IT affects service and traditional industries.

B Electricity affects service and traditional industries.

24 The second reason for fear.

A The introduction of IT is more demanding than other technologies

B The introduction of IT is happening more quickly than for previous technologies

25 The third reason for fear

A IT makes it easier to change jobs

B IT makes it easier for employers to move jobs around

26 The first reason why people’s fears are unjustified.

UN There has been a continuous rise in people in work and income in rich countries

B Technological advance has industrialized rich countries

27 The second reason why people’s fears are unjustified.

A New jobs are not upsetting old ones

B New jobs are replacing old ones

Des questions 28-30

Circle the appropriate letter. Write answers next to28-30 sur votre feuille de réponses.

28 New technology does not always reduce employment, because

A people do not need to work as hard as before.

B new products are a necessity.

C it can create new demand.

D it can slow down output.

29 In his conclusion, Jim says that IT should not destroy jobs, if

A there is a balance.

B the workforce are favorable.

C the workforce are businessmen.

D the workforce have a good education and they are skilled.

30 The phrase, a favorable business climate, means an environment where

A there is not too much in the way of protectionism.

B there are many restrictions, rules and regulations.

C minimum wage levels are too high.

D restrictions on work practices exist.

Section 4

Des questions 31-40

Des questions 31-37

Complete the notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for your answer.

31 The speaker is a specialist in__________________.

32 The speaker is giving the __________________of the term.

33 The focus of her talk is the purpose of______________________.

34 Good design leads to_____________________.

35 One facet of the role of design is to make sure that products do the job they are _____________

36 People are persuaded to buy products by__________________and _______________

37 A shopper may buy a personal stereo for its as_______________ well as its trendy appearance.

Des questions 38-41

Circle the appropriate letter. Write next to38-41 sur votre feuille de réponses.

38 The role of the designer is becoming more important, because ___

A the progress of technology is slightly faster than it was.

B there are possibilities for new ideas.

C products break more easily these days.

D every model has to be updated more quickly.

39 In the medical field, the designer is engaged in_____

A developing a range of new equipment.

B OTD equipment that is developing.

C everything related to hospital portering equipment.

D advising inventors.

40 Designers can help manufacturers by______

A exporting their designs.

B helping to make their products attractive.

C making their products appreciated by other manufacturers.

D training them to appreciate design.

41 Design is important in life, because______

A existing is more than living.

B it is part of our attitude.

C it improves the quality of our daily life.

D we do not want things that do not look good, even if they do not work.


[restreindre payé = vrai]

Section 1

115%/fifteen per cent
3127a Adelaide
419 7FT
5797 4882
6 (Correct information)

Section 2

15everywhere on campus
16generosity of volunteers
17roughly 8/ eight hours
18a variety of reasons
19someone who can
20training and support

Section 3

21global employment
22The World Bank
23machines replacing people

Section 4

31European product design
32introductory lecture
34efficient products
35intended to (do)
36advertising/ adverts (et) the media
37efficient function


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