In the Listening Test 54, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on what you hear.
Section 1 is a conversation between a man and a woman discussing the rental of a car.
Section 2 is a speech by the master of a University Hall of Residence giving a short introductory talk to new students at the University Hall of Residence.
Section 3 is a conversation between 2 students discussing their project.
Section 4 is a lecture on advertising.
Complete the form below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.
Example Answer
Date Car Needed 7th August
Customer’s Name | M. John Wilson |
Customer’s Address Manchester | 1_______________ |
Postcode | MW7 4DF |
Home Tel. | 020 6834 6387 |
Mobile Tel. | 2_________________ |
Driving License No. | 3__________________ |
Number of Drivers | 1 |
Length of Rental | 4__________________days |
Car Make Chosen | 5_________________ |
Complete the Cheapies Customer Information Leaflet below.
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for hiring a car from Cheapies. We value your custom and we will endeavor to provide you with what you expect.
Total Price: 6___________________
Pick up point: The International Hotel
Drop off point: 7_________________
We provide some things in the car to help you. Your sales representative will go through all the things that you will find in your glove compartment and boot. Different cars have different things provided.
In case of 8___________________or __________________ call our emergency number 06387 638 972 to order a replacement car.
Choose and circle TWO letters A-J next to 9-10 sur votre feuille de réponses.
Which TWO items are NOT provided in Mr. Wilson’s hire car?
A insurance documents
B Westley town map
C the car manual
D a larger area map of the local district
E a map of London
F a spare wheel
G a set of tools
H RAC membership card
I a small fire extinguisher
J spare keys for the car
Answer the questions below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.
11 When is breakfast served in Chelston Hall on Sundays?
12 What method of food service is provided at Chelston Hall dining hall?
13 Where are coffee and tea served after dinner at Chelston Hall?
14 How much does it cost to do 1 wash in a washing machine at Chelston Hall?
15 From where can students buy washing powder inside Chelston Hall?
Complétez les phrases ci-dessous.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.
16 It is not the job of the cleaners at Chelston Hall to clear up __________
17 Students at Chelston Hall are asked to be careful going to and from the bathroom as the Hall is__________
18 If there is a fire at Chelston Hall, leave the building and meet your block leader in ___________where the block leader will take a roll call.
19 Chelston Hall has to perform at least______________emergency fire practices yearly.
20 If a student is asked to leave for disciplinary reasons, he or she will not get a ____________
Complete Judith’s notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.
North Sea oil and gas exploration was initially rejected but has now really expanded during 21________________years.
First significant quantities of gas first discovered in Groningen area off The Netherlands in 1959.
First British discovery of same in West Sole field, off the coast of East Anglia, par 22__________________in 1965.
British oil and gas industry experienced rapid growth in the early years.
An 23______________________ in the UK led to enormous pressure to increase the production of North Sea gas and oil.
Oil field discoveries increased with British, European and American firms buying North Sea exploration 24_____________________________
In the 1990s the oil business suffered due to 25_________________________of oil.
Production grew and peaked around 2000/1.
The North Sea is currently looked upon as a 26_____________________on a slow decline.
Complete the summary of Fred’s talk below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.
Although the Sea Gem was the first North Sea oil exploration accident, the most well-known accident was aboard the Piper Alpha platform in 1988 when 13 people died. Because of these and other accidents, platforms now have rigorous safety procedures, par exemple:
Installation Safety Tour showing all safety aspects eg: 27_________________
emergency muster stations
28______________________emergency procedures
Rig Safety Programme Introduction
Weekly Safety Meetings
Daily Pre “Tour” Meetings
Inter-Company Safety Information Scheme
Fire and Boat Practice with 29______________________________
Mock Abandon the Rig Exercise
Statistics now show that these measures have succeeded and that workers are more likely to be killed on 30______________________________
Complete the lecture notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.
Billboard Advertising
Johannes Gutenberg invented 31_______________________________in 1450.
The lithographic process perfected in 1796.
Dans 32_________________________-Jared Bell’s office in New York made the first large US outdoor poster when he printed circus posters.
Dans 1900 a boom in national billboard campaigns was created in America with the advent of a ___________________of a billboard.
Last year US expenditure on outdoor advertising reached $5.5 billion.
Over the next few years, there is an expectation of a 34_____________________________-in outdoor advertising.
Choose a letter ANNONCE that correctly completes the following statements next to35-40 sur votre feuille de réponses.
35 Allan Odell decided to use roadside advertising because_______
A no one else had tried it.
B other people were beginning to use it.
C it was the cheapest form of advertising.
D other people were improving their sales through it.
36 Allan Odell’s first advertisements were________
A successful.
B boring.
C hard to understand.
D too far apart.
37 Allan Odell’s second type of advertising_______
A criticized people.
B amused people.
C made fun of people.
D irritated people.
38 Allan Odell’s company eventually decided to stop this form of advertising because_______
A it was no longer effective.
B people were in a hurry.
C it was old fashioned.
D people criticized the rhymes.
39 The main purpose of Lyndon Johnson’s bill was to______
A improve the condition of the roads.
B stop roadside advertising.
C reduce federal grants.
D make the roads and countryside more attractive.
40 Roadside advertising continued because_______
A it was good for business.
B some states did not get federal aid.
C federal laws did not apply to some roads.
D some states ignored the law.
[restreindre payé = vrai]
1 | 95 Green Lane |
2 | 07779 724 868 |
3 | WIL 94857 8269 |
4 | four/ 4 |
5 | Toyota |
6 | £170 |
7 | The International Hotel |
8 | panne + an accident |
9 | E |
10 | J |
11 | 8.00 un m (à 9.30 un m) |
12 | cafeteria style |
13 | the common room |
14 | £1/ 1 pound |
15 | (un) vending machine |
16 | kitchens |
17 | co-ed |
18 | (la) car park |
19 | 2/ two |
20 | refund (of fees) |
21 | the last 40 |
22 | BP drilling rig/ Sea Gem |
23 | economic crisis |
24 | leases |
25 | global price fluctuations |
26 | mature province |
27 | Fire extinguishers |
28 | lifeboat stations |
29 | a mock fire |
30 | a building site |
31 | moveable type printing |
32 | 1835 |
33 | standardised structure |
34 | healthy increase |
35 | ré |
36 | UN |
37 | B |
38 | UN |
39 | ré |
40 | C |