Essai pratique 101

In the Listening Test 101, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on them.

Section 1 is a conversation between a student and an accommodation advisor about homestay registration.

Section 2 is a lecture about a famous natural resort in England.

Section 3 is a conversation between a student and a professor.

Section 4 is a lecture on British Media.

Section 1

Des questions 1-10

Des questions 1-5

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.

Accommodation Request Form

Type of accommodation:Homestay
Full name:1______________ Lee
Present address:International House
Reasons for applying for homestay:to know about local culture
 à 4_______________
Contact number:8141 9680 (home)
 5_______________ (mobile)

Des questions 6-10

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.

Accommodation requirements:

a nice landlady

own 6__________________

no young children

near to 7____________________

La 8___________________ will be £140, y compris 9_______________ bill.

Accommodation required date:


IELTS Listening Actual Tests and Answers (Octobre 2021 – Jan 2022) | eBook + Audio + Tapescripts

4.8 de 60 Avis

Rédigé par des professeurs professionnels de l'IELTS pour aider les candidats le grand jour

Rédigé par des professeurs professionnels de l'IELTS pour aider les candidats le grand jour

Section 2

Des questions 11-20

Des questions 11-15

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS pour chaque réponse.

Guide for Peak District

Peak District’s location: five miles from Sheffield 11________________

Main attractions:

Bakewell Town is known for local food: 12__________________

Chatsworth House has formal gardens and 13__________________

The heart of Peak District is the Peak District 14__________________

The most famous cavern in Castleton is called 15__________________

Des questions 16-20

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.

16_______________ must be accompanied by an adult on walking and cycling.

Tourists can pick17__________________ in some specialist shops.

Chatsworth’s art collection has 18___________________ years’ history.

Eyam village is also called 19____________________

Eyam Hall has 20___________________ workshops.

Section 3

Des questions 21-30

Des questions 21-23

Choose the correct letter, UN, B, ou C, and write answers next to21-23  sur votre feuille de réponses.

21 Harper’s paper is about ______________

A energy crisis.

B environment protection.

C computer technology.

22 The research method that the professor recommends is

A interview.

B questionnaire.

C presentation.

23 Harper is worried about ______________

A essay deadline.

B questionnaire data.

C course stress.

Des questions 24-26

Choose the correct letter.

Write UN if the professor says REMAIN

Write B if the professor says REWRITE

Write C if the professor says REMOVE

What suggestions does the professor make?

24 purpose___________

25 structure___________

26 personal experiences___________

Des questions 27-30

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS pour chaque réponse.


To hand in the essay by 27_____________

To print essay by28_____________

Before handing in: to do29_____________ e.g. grammar and spelling;

to check proper 30____________

Section 4

Des questions 31-40

Des questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER pour chaque réponse.


Newspapers began to appear in the 18-19th Century.

31_________________ is British oldest daily newspaper.

The legal rule of advertisement that all the British media must follow is 32_________________

There are over 33_________________  different newspapers in Britain.

The press that publishes serious articles is34_________________

The most leftwing newspaper is35_________________

A feature of the tabloid press is a girl picture on36_________________

The oldest soap shop was located in the northern city of37_________________ in England.

British newscasts get a good reputation for the 38_________________  of reporting.

British viewers usually use the time of39_________________  to make a drink.

Audience have to buy a 40_________________


[restreindre payé = vrai]

Section 1

4improve English
57586 3344
6bathroom and balcony
106th October

Section 2

11City Centre
13Fountains and maze
14National Park
15Blue John (Cavern)
17(wonderful) souvenirs
19Plague village
20Cafe and craft

Section 3

28laser printer

Section 4

31The Times
32Advertising Codes
34Quality press
35The Guardian
36Page 3
39Commercial breaks


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