课 1 : 企鹅

1. Have you ever seen a penguin in person? 如果是这样, where?

2. What do you find most fascinating about penguins?

3. Do you think penguins are well-adapted to their environment? 为什么或者为什么不?

4. How do you think climate change is impacting penguin populations?

5. Are there any conservation efforts in your area aimed at protecting penguins or their habitats?

6. What other animals do you think face similar challenges to penguins due to climate change?

7. Would you ever consider visiting a place where you could see penguins in the wild? 为什么或者为什么不?

8. How do you think humans can help mitigate the effects of climate change on penguins and other wildlife?

9. Have you ever watched a documentary or read a book about penguins? 如果是这样, what did you learn?

10. If you could ask a penguin one question, 会是什么?
