Lesson 3 : Life Goals

My biggest goal in life is to write a book. All my childhood, I’ve read books and fallen in love with Enid Blyton’s characters. I’ve laughed, cried, and even got angry with the characters. So, I want to be able to create a world like what she had made for me.

Yes, I am a planner, and I always try to plan out my future to know I am on the right track. My short-term goal would be to write in magazines. Since I want to write a book, I thought that my first step towards it would be to write in magazines and get recognized by people before I publish my book.

For starters, I am beginning to make a plan right now. I write down the character names, how I want them to be, how they would look. I even write down how the world inside my book would be. I build every character with a lot of detail so that it makes the story writing easier. I have a huge file dedicated to it all that every time I look at it, it gives me so much hope and joy.

I don’t think I am old enough to have financial goals yet. But I know that when I startearning, I would at least save 10% of my savings to use them in emergencies

No, I don’t think I am successful just yet. But I believe that I am a hard worker, and I willwork hard towards success. One day, I hope I would be able to say that I amsuccessful.

Describe something that you would like to succeed in doing in the near future.

You should say:

  • What it is?
  • How difficult you think it will be?
  • What you should do to prepare for this?
  • And explain why you want to succeed in doing this.

Hmm, there are so many ways to define it. I believe success is feeling my life is worth living and being a good person to those around me. If I have a partner, or children, or relatives dependent on me, I would consider it a success if I were able to provide them with a good life style and everything they need. Success would mean my reputation as a good person travels ahead of me. It would mean I would have a goal and hope for life, and would stand out amongst others.

I would imagine they do. But as I said, there are many ways to define success, it is the inborn desire of a human to want to be the best they could be, to want more. Everybody wants life to be worthwhile, they want their husband or wife to be proud of them, they want their children to admire them, and they want a sense of fulfillment. It’s natural.

Well I would say it’s after they realize that life is a struggle and that they must make it on their own. When we are young we can depend on others and do not feel the need to make something of ourselves. It’s when the pressure kicks in and the understanding comes to us that we find we must choose for ourselves whether we will be happy or sad. a success or a failure. When we grow up and are more mature, we begin to have others depend on us, looking to us, and we feel the responsibility to do our part in the world.

Well, originally it was about being a good provider for one’s family, finding one’s children a good husband or wife, having enough land to live off. But now that China is much more open, people begin to feel success is about milking enough money to never have to worry about anything. It’s also about giving that feeling of relaxed and easy living to their children. Get them into the best school, buy them a house so they don’t have to work, hand life to them on a silver platter. This is beginning to be the image of success, and the people of this country are bombarded with advertisements, movies and pictures of the easy life, the rich and famous, and they feel this is the only way to succeed. I myself feel that it has its downsides, and must really consider what I want for my life.

Again, this depends on your idea of success. But whatever it means to a person, if they are dissatisfied with the cards they are dealing with and do not realize they can determine their success, then yes, I imagine they are no happy at all. But sometimes. those that we think are successful on the outside, or what we see of them, are not happy, they do not consider their life worth the trouble. So no. I do not think “successful” people are always happier than “unsuccessful’ people.

I believe parents should give their child the sense that success is their reward. They should help the children to feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments and not always expect to receive a candy bat or a trip to the amusement park for every good deed. It is true that children need encouragement, but they should realize that the reason they worked for the goal score in the exams was because learning is important and will help their lives to be better. They should not be thinking. “I’m studying hard and getting a good score because my mother promised me new toys or extra money.” They will never become truly successful if they are dependent on that candy bar, or those new toys.

They may give the best student the title of “class monitor”. In school we always had class monitors and being the monitor meant that we were responsible and trusted people. Often the students need good grades and good reputations or connections to assist them later when they get out of school or wish to get into a good university or college. If a student is exceptional, then at the end of the year or semester the teacher can write a letter or paper describing the students good qualities. Such documents may help to prove students’ worth or abilities later in life when they are in search of a job.

It depends, sometimes, it means extra money, and sometimes it means promotion. But then sometimes, the bosses do not reward their employees, and simply demand that each worker be giving their best for whatever pay is offered. Chinese naturally are hard workers, it is in their blood. So because of this, the mentality is, “they are working for me, they give their best day in and day out because it’s their job and duty as humans.” On top of that, there are so many people who can work and need work, so there is not too much value placed on the employees.

Both. One can be competent but if they cannot cooperate with others, they will meet with failure in their life. No matter where you go, what position you hold in a company, you will have to work with others, communicate and cooperate with them. If all you are capable of is competition, how can anyone else benefit from you? Whatever those children choose to do, they will desperately need both skills.

Of course. By that I mean that competition can eventually lead to war, as has happened on a number of occasions in Central America. If you promote competition so much in comparison to fair play and good sportsmanship then the wrong values are being espoused. Cooperation is based on working together to help the whole. When you foster this spirit then you are contributing to society.

This is really an immature way to look at life. I really believe that you just have to get up and keep trying no matter who is in first or even second place. Just finishing the race has its rewards. Forget about what others are doing and just get on with life, this is my philosophy, which I try to live by.