13-Year-Old in Sichuan Reward Livestreamers 340K RMB

Thank you, Officer. My son was misled by a livestreamer into tipping 340,000 yuan. With your help, we have been able to recover the full amount. We are truly grateful for helping us recover our loss,” said Mr. Mou on September 12, as he visited the Tuopai Police Station in Shehong City, Sichuan, to present a banner expressing his gratitude to the officers.


Mr. Mou presented the banner to express his appreciation to the police.


Officer Deng Dingyuan from the police station told Red Star News that in addition to tipping livestreamers 340,000 yuan, Mr. Mou’s son, Xiao Mou, also spent tens of thousands on gaming, all of which came from the family’s demolition compensation. After three months of negotiations, both the livestreaming platform and the game company have fully refunded the amount.


Rewinding to June of this year, a netizen reported to the Tuopai Police Station that while watching a livestream on a short video platform, the game’s location system and the platform’s alert system indicated that a minor in Tuopai Town, Shehong City, Sichuan, was suspected of tipping a game livestreamer multiple large sums of money.


After learning about the situation, the police immediately went to Xiao Mou’s school to investigate. Through patient questioning, they found out that Xiao Mou had indeed tipped the game livestreamer multiple times on the short video platform in order to find a “master” in the game and give away game skins. Further investigation revealed that Xiao Mou had tipped over 340,000 yuan to more than ten livestreamers over the course of a little over a month. Additionally, he had spent tens of thousands more on in-game purchases and virtual items.


Deng Dingyuan told Red Star News that after learning of the situation, the police contacted Xiao Mou’s father, Mr. Mou, who was working in Shenzhen. Mr. Mou had been working away from home for an extended period, while his son lived with his grandparents. Xiao Mou sometimes used his grandmother’s phone to watch livestreams and play games. The large sums of money he tipped came from the family’s demolition compensation fund.


Deng explained that at the time of the incident, the boy was 13 years old and in the sixth grade, only turning 14 in August this year. After becoming aware of the situation, the police engaged in a lengthy “tug-of-war” with the livestreaming platform’s customer service, informing them that the tipping was done by a minor. At the same time, they helped Mr. Mou collect and submit relevant information and documents and closely followed up on the refund process, assisting him in submitting appeals via mobile phone.


After three months of effort, the police successfully helped Mr. Mou win the appeal. Finally, on September 10, the 340,000 yuan tipped by the “naughty child” to the livestreamers was recovered.


  1. Misled – 误导:使某人对某事产生错误的想法或信念,从而导致错误的行为或行动。
  2. Gratitude – 感激:感恩的品质;表示感恩并愿意回报善意的准备状态。
  3. Demolition – 拆除:拆毁建筑物或其他结构的行为;在此上下文中,指因财产拆迁而获得的补偿。
  4. Negotiations – 谈判:人们之间进行的正式讨论,目的是达成协议。
  5. Platform – 平台:允许用户与内容互动的数字或在线服务系统,此处指的是直播平台。
  6. Tug-of-war – 拉锯战:用来形容双方之间的艰难或长期的斗争,每一方都试图获得控制权或胜利。
  7. Appeal – 申诉:向更高的权力机构提出请求,要求重新考虑决定,特别是在法律或正式的背景下。
  8. Compensation – 补偿:通常指钱,作为对损失、伤害或痛苦的补偿。
  9. Engaged – 参与:积极参与某项活动或任务。
  10. Recovered – 追回:重新获得失去或被盗的物品的控制权或所有权。

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1 thought on “13-Year-Old in Sichuan Reward Livestreamers 340K RMB”

  1. Should livestreaming platforms be held legally responsible for monitoring and refunding large sums of money tipped by minors?

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