More People Moved to Hefei than Shanghai between 2010-2020

Relevant data show that

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during the ten years period from 2010 to 2020, Hefei’s inflow population was 1.913 million, exceeding Shanghai’s 1.852 million!

图片[1]-More People Moved to Hefei than Shanghai between 2010-2020-Connect

People Moved In

The increase in inflow indicates that the city has better economic development, attractive to talent, and the better the economic development of the city, the more it can attract population inflow,

Hefei is currently ranked 16th amongst China’s Top Cities!

Hefei’s attractiveness increased

after the introduction of a large number of high-quality enterprises and a series of talent policies

图片[2]-More People Moved to Hefei than Shanghai between 2010-2020-Connect

According to estimates, Hefei’s permanent population has reached 11 million

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